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Any regiment sent out to battle, if they were defeated, were instantly destroyed on their return; it was, therefore, victory or death with them; and the death was most cruel, being that of impalement. Well he was surnamed 'the Bloody," "Yes, indeed." "His tyranny over his own people was dreadful.

The caliph went away much amused, and with his attendants, entered the private gate of the seraglio. The next morning the caliph held a solemn divan, at which all the mollahs, as well as all the chief officers, were present, and he issued a decree, that every bath throughout Bagdad should be shut for three days, on pain of impalement.

It can only end in their instant impalement. "Surrender, rebels!" cries a voice rising above the din. "Drop your weapons, and at once, if you wish your lives spared! Soldiers, disarm them!" Miranda recognises the voice. Perhaps, had he done so sooner, he would have held on to his sword, and taken the chances of a more protracted and desperate resistance. It is too late.

Other men, selected for their great personal strength, then took the man from the ground by the hands and feet, and swinging him to and fro three times to gain momentum, they threw him with all their force into the air, and the armed men, when he came down, caught him on the points of their javelins. If he was killed by this dreadful impalement, all was right.

It was a similar consideration alone which deterred him from solacing himself by the impalement of half a dozen or so of his principal ministers, the entire suite having an exceedingly lively time of it that morning, and being infinitely thankful when they were at last dismissed with whole skins.

Even such is the good, O Yudhishthira, that I have obtained from that indestructible and immutable God, endued with the highest penances and supreme energy." I then adored the illustrious Mahadeva who said unto me, 'Thou shalt soon be freed from impalement and live for millions of years. The pangs due to impalement shall not be thine.

At last an officer came at speed. "Oh, my Lord, I salute you. The city is won." It was clear day then, yet a light not of the morning sparkled in Mahommed's eyes. Stooping in his saddle, he asked: "What sayest thou? Tell me of it, but beware if thou speakest falsely, neither God nor Prophet shall save thee from impalement to the roots of thy tongue."

The chief Brahmin rose, and having delivered an extemporaneous prayer, suitable to the solemnity and importance of the occasion, he proceeded to read the will of the late king he then descanted upon the Molean controversy, and how it was now an article of the Souffrarian faith, which it was heresy and impalement not to believe, that "moles were not scars, and only blemishes when they were considered so to be."

What impalement can equal this sharp moment? Look not on me, let not our eyes meet! They have met before, like to the confluence of two shining rivers blending in one great stream of rushing light. Bear off that torch, sir. Let impenetrable darkness cover our darker fortunes. 'Alroy. 'She speaks again. Is she mad, as I am, that thus she plays with agony?

Prowse mentions the history of a case of impalement in a man of thirty-four, who, coming down a hay-stack, alighted on the handle of a pitchfork which struck him in the middle of the scrotum, and passed up between the skin and fascia to the 10th rib. Recovery was prompt.