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Updated: August 10, 2024

When browned on top, put a small bit of butter on each, and let them remain until quite tender, which will take twenty minutes. Serve with horse-radish. Prepare equal quantities of boiled sliced veal and smoked tongue.

With roast pork: apple sauce, cranberry sauce. With roast veal: tomato sauce, mushroom sauce, onion sauce and cranberry sauce. Horse-radish and lemons are good. With roast mutton: currant jelly, caper sauce. With boiled mutton: onion sauce, caper sauce. With boiled fowls: bread sauce, onion sauce, lemon sauce, cranberry sauce, jellies. Also cream sauce. With roast lamb: mint sauce.

Garnish your dish with horse-radish and pickles, lay the ragoo round your beef, and a little upon the top; so serve it up. To stew a RUMP of BEEF.

Pargiter, and he would needs have me drink a cup of horse-radish ale, which he and a friend of his troubled with the stone have been drinking of, which we did and then walked into the fields as far almost as Sir G. Whitmore's, all the way talking of Russia, which, he says, is a sad place; and, though Moscow is a very great city, yet it is from the distance between house and house, and few people compared with this, and poor, sorry houses, the Emperor himself living in a wooden house, his exercise only flying a hawk at pigeons and carrying pigeons ten or twelve miles off and then laying wagers which pigeon shall come soonest home to her house.

The lion had stopped sneezing and was roaring and jumping up and down, with his mouth open, trying to catch his breath, like a man who has taken too big a dose of fresh horse-radish. Pa said: "What have you been doing to Shadrack?" I told pa I had woke Shadrack up, and that in about a minute he would find that the whole animal kingdom had got a bellyful, and would join in the chorus.

Motherwell, and say with piercing clearness, the way a woman did in the book: "I weep not for myself, but for you and for your children." But, of course, that would not do, so she said: "I ain't cryin' much." Pearl was grating horse-radish that afternoon, but the tears she shed were for the parted lovers.

This is by much the best way to butter pease, and not to let the butter melt in the middle of them, and then stir them long with a spoon. You may make sauce for a Pike in the same manner you did for a Carpe; putting Horse-radish to it if you please. Put great store of sliced Onions, with Currants and Raisins of the Sun both above and under the Herrings, and store of Butter, and so bake them.

Take a fillet of mutton, stuff it the same as for a shoulder, half roast it, and put it into a stew pan with a little gravy, a jill of claret, an anchovy, and a shred onion; you may put in a little horse-radish and some mushrooms; stew it over a slow fire while the mutton is enough; take the gravy, skim off the fat, and thicken it with flour and butter; lay forc'd-meat-balls round the mutton.

We eats our biled mutton without capers, and don't care for horse-radish ven ve can get beef. 'Ah, said the little man, 'you're a wag, ain't you? 'My eldest brother was troubled with that complaint, said Sam; 'it may be catching I used to sleep with him. 'This is a curious old house of yours, said the little man, looking round him.

Horse-radish, crane's-bill, strawberry, and herb-gerard are old remedies for gout, and in Westphalia apple-juice mixed with saffron is administered for jaundice; while an old remedy for boils is dock-tea. For ague, cinquefoil and yarrow were recommended, and tansy leaves are worn in the shoe by the Sussex peasantry; and in some places common groundsel has been much used as a charm.

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