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Updated: August 13, 2024

Holbein drew a superb title-page, ante-dated 1523, for this "enterprise" of Petri the New Testament "now right faithfully rendered into German," with the symbols of the Evangelists at the four corners, the arms of Basel at the top, the device of the printer at the foot, and the noble figures of St. Paul and St.

This was the beginning of a most odd matter the essence of my anecdote; and I think the very first note of the oddity must have sounded for me in the tone in which her ladyship spoke after giving me a silent look. It seemed to come to me out of a distance immeasurably removed from Holbein. "Mrs. Brash isn't my 'companion' in the sense you appear to mean.

She looks like a Holbein doesn't she?" "And the extraordinary looking man on my right?" Honora asked. "I've got to talk to him presently." "Chiltern!" he said. "Is it possible you haven't heard something about Hugh Chiltern?" "Is it such lamentable ignorance?" she asked. "That depends upon one's point of view," he replied. "He's always been a sort of a well, Viking," said Farwell.

It was so large, that objects showed dim at the further end, as through a mist. Full-length figures of county worthies hung around, in all varieties of costume, from the days of Holbein to the present time.

Whether he replied in evasive terms, or whether he let the Lällenkönig speak for him, is not on record. By the time Holbein received this letter, written late in the autumn of 1532, he was plunged into a year of almost incredible activity.

But as in the case of Van Dyck, and in fact of every great portrait painter, his excellence in this particular branch of his art was but one result of his being a born artist and first exercising his talents in a much wider field. In Holbein the realistic tendency of the German School attained its highest development, and he may, next to Dürer, be pronounced the greatest master in it.

While as the lifelong leader of the Catholic party in Basel, it was natural that Meyer zum Hasen should have much in common with a painter who all his life held firmly to his friendships with the most conspicuous champions of that party. Johann Froben was another of these; and from 1515 until Froben's death eleven years later Holbein had more and more to do for this printer.

Holbein is sometimes said to have been the king's architect here, as he was at Whitehall. Henry can seldom have lived here, but hither his daughter, Mary I., retired, after her husband Philip left England for Spain, and here she died, November 17, 1558. James I., in 1610, settled St.

He was a burgher living comfortably at Bruges. The museum is a short distance from the hospital. Christopher bearing the Christ Child, and David's masterpiece, The Baptism of Christ. Holbein never painted a head with greater verisimilitude than Van Eyck's rendering of the Donator. What an eye!

Handel was, of course, "the greatest of all musicians." Among the painters he chiefly loved Giovanni Bellini, Carpaccio, Gaudenzio Ferrari, Rembrandt, Holbein, Velasquez, and De Hooghe; in poetry Shakespeare, Homer, and the Authoress of the Odyssey; and in architecture the man, whoever he was, who designed the Temple of Neptune at Paestum.

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