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In the horned Dorsets, we must suppose that both males and females carry a dual factor for horns technically, are homozygous for horns. The hornless Suffolks, on the contrary, are homozygous for absence of horns. If we represent horns by H and absence of horns by A, Dorsets have a factor HH, Suffolks AA and the hybrids HA.

It is evident, in fact, that if the level of the water gets below r, the capacity of the buckets will be increased, and the counter will indicate a discharge less than is really the case, and vice versa. If the level descends as far as to the orifice in the partition, hh', the gas will flow out without causing the apparatus to move.

Men of the 520th, remember your watchword is Gemappes, your countersign, Valmy." "The Emperor of Russia and his distinguished family quitted the Tuileries this day. His Imperial Majesty embraced his Majesty the King of the French with tears in his eyes, and conferred upon their RR. HH. the Princes of Nemours and Joinville, the Grand Cross of the Order of the Blue Eagle."

The finishing touches are rounding off all corners which might catch and fray the clothes, and boring the 3/4-inch holes, HH, for pegs on which planks can be rested for edge planing. For a "stop" to prevent boards slipping when being planed on the flat, one may use an ordinary 2-inch wood screw, the projection of which must of course be less than the thickness of the board planed.

In the F1 generation the males were horned, the females hornless. Here, with regard to the horned character, both sexes were of the same genetic composition, i.e. heterozygous, or if we represent the possession of horns by H, and their absence by h, both sexes were Hh.

She was now handling this inoffensive object in such a way as to justify the fancy that, had it been charged with a deadly poison in its point, instead of with a bit of plumbago of the HH quality, she would have driven it into Freeman's heart then and there.

The critical light faded from her eyes, to be replaced by another light, this time of interest. "What for?" "I was playing Indian in mother's jam." Most damsels of that age would have asked for further particulars. Instead, "Hh!" she sniffed, and the sniff spoke volumes as to the quality of her young imagination. Scott felt it lay upon him to defend himself from all which the sniff implied.

The reservoir, RR' contains the measuring drum, mmmm, movable around the horizontal axis, aa'. The gas enters at E, passes at S into an opening that may be closed by a valve, and is distributed through the box, BB', which communicates with the reservoir through an orifice in the partition, hh'. This orifice is traversed by the axle, aa'. The box, like the reservoir, contains water up to a certain level, r.

This train report is very complete, giving the composition of each and every train on the road, and the destination of every car. A form of the message will readily illustrate this: SAN ANGELO, 5 | 16, 18 . W. H. C. DS No 17 will arrive at DS, at 10:20 A. M., with the following: 1 HH goods Chgo. 2 Livestock Kansas City. 3 Mdse " 1 Emgt. outfit St.

"Oh, wolves and Indians and things, and they come around and growl awfully. But you aren't afraid. You take your gun, and crawl in under the blankets and go on eating, sure they won't come in after you " "What do you eat?" Had Scott been a few years older, he doubtless would have answered, "Pemmican." As it was, however, he responded glibly, "Snake meat." "Hh!" Again there came the sniff.