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"Gray," she said hesitantly and so seriously that the boy turned to her, "did it ever cross your mind that there was ever any secret between Uncle Robert and mother?" The boy's startled look was answer enough and she went on telling him of the question she had asked her mother.

At first they responded singly and hesitantly, but soon it was a small stampede save for those who kept guard at the doors and ten minutes later Parish Thornton stood free of limb and Bas Rowlett trembled, putty pale, in the centre of the room with bound wrists and a noose draped across his shoulders.

Then his friend Derec came hesitantly in the door and looked at him remorsefully. He wrung his hands. "I had to do it, Bron," he said agitatedly. "I couldn't help doing it!" Hoddan blinked at him. He was dazed. Things didn't become clearer when he saw that a cop had slit open his pillow and was sifting its contents through his fingers.

Matilda's gaze, which had several times wandered to a point a few inches below Mrs. De Peyster's throat, now fixed themselves upon this spot. She spoke hesitantly. "There's your pearl pendant you forgot and kept on when you put on my dress to go out riding with William."

Hesitantly I touched the crystal base; the edge was warm, but whether this warmth came from the dazzling rain which we had just watched build it outward or whether it was a property inherent with the substance itself I do not know. Certainly there was no mark upon it to show where the molten mists had fallen. It was diamond hard and smooth.

He rummaged then through the ragged garments he had just discarded, transferred to his pockets a roll of bills and his automatic, and paused hesitantly, staring at the thin metal case, like a cigarette case, that he held in the palm of his hand. He shrugged his shoulders a little whimsically; it seemed strange indeed that he was through with that! He snapped it open.

They have been summoned by the Stratosphere Control Board which has delegated to me the honor of making the announcement." The tall figure was commandingly erect; for an instant the fire of youth had returned to him. "Walter Harkness!" he called. "Chester Bullard! Stand forth that the eyes of the world may see!" Two men arose from among the members of the Board and came hesitantly forward.

"No it was not of a significance," she repeated, with a ghost of a little smile. "It was from the Evershams." "Ah! Their condolences, I think?... And is it that they still make the Nile trip?" "Yes.... They went this morning." She spoke hesitantly, averse to having this eager-eyed young host perceive how truly deserted she was. "They expect me to take the express train later and join them."

Both face and figure had lost something of roundness and the hand that lay on the table was slenderer of finger and wrist, but Mary Burton had not been robbed of her beauty, and when she spoke, very low and hesitantly, one realized that out of her voice no single golden note was missing. She might still be truthfully advertised as one of the world's rare beauties.

"So I ran that very day to Doctor Johannès, of whom I have spoken. He immediately and forever, I hope, liberated me from the spell." "If I did not fear to be indiscreet, I would ask you what kind of thing this succubus was, whose attack you repulsed." "Why, it was like any naked woman," said the astrologer hesitantly.