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As these women move in the most brilliant society in the world and can command the willing attendance of men in all circles; as their husbands are so often foraging far afield; and as temptation is commonly proportionate to opportunity, little wonder that the Parisian femme du monde is the most notable disciple of Earth's politer form of hedonism.

"How do you know I wasn't keeping in practice, in order to become a good protector?" he murmured, but she was not in the mood for flippancy, and continued: "You shirk responsibilities, and have that dear old Colonel drinking more than he has done in years; while your own hedonism is shocking." "Well, why not?" he looked up suddenly. "If pleasure's my god, whose business is it?"

The Patriarch of Ferney himself was something not unlike its pontiff. Diderot and d'Alembert were its bishops, with their attendant clergy of Encyclopaedists. Helvetius and Holbach were its doctors of atheology. Most reading and thinking Frenchmen were for a time its members. Rousseau was its arch-heretic. The doctrines were materialism, fatalism, and hedonism. The sect still exists.

I am rather surprised that the crude hedonism of Beatrice should have appealed to me, for my weaknesses had never really included mere fleshly indulgence. But, as I have said, the girl had the charm of novelty for me.

Without the maternal instinct, without the hope of immortality through somatic or spiritual posterity, we should all, who were sane enough, have to condemn ourselves to the futilities of hedonism. So that the criminal who was condemned to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only to see it roll down again, would have to thank his lucky stars for his lighter punishment.

"That's very unfair," Parry protested, "as an account of Hedonism." "I don't see that it is at all," cried Leslie. "I think," I said, "that it represents Bentham's position well enough, though probably not Bartlett's." "Oh well," said Parry, "Bentham was only an egoistic Hedonist." "A what?" said Bartlett. "An egoistic Hedonist." "And what may that be?"

"I don't know any historical world which would equal the modern, and as for the prehistoric well, Professor Doon can tell us " "As a sphere of amenable existence," said Doon with a smile, "give me Chetwood Park and Piccadilly." "That is mere hedonism," said Count Lavretsky.

Stoicism, hedonism, the faith of his childhood, new-fangled mysticisms would join hands and hold revel round his soul for those twelve weeks, those eighty-four days, those two thousand and sixteen hours. . . . The speculation fascinated him until he almost fancied that the sentence had been passed on him.

You may say that the kind of pleasure you defended is a refined and intellectual sort of pleasure, but for all that it tends to produce men who withdraw from practical life into a mild hedonism; you would develop a coterie of amiable, secluded persons, fastidious and delicate, indifferent citizens, individualistic and self-absorbed; the training of character retires into the background; and the meal that you press upon us is a meal of exquisite sauces, but without meat.

It's only a finer kind of self-indulgence, after all egoistic Hedonism and that sort of thing." "It won't be all standing at windows and looking at sunsets," added Doddridge. "Has it ever occurred to you that, before entering on a life of self-denial and devotion to rather vague ideals, a man ought to be mighty sure of himself?