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It was of silk, prepared with gutta percha, a substance impermeable by acids or gasses; and its volume, which was three thousand cubic yards, enabled it to ascend to the loftiest heights. The day of the ascent was that of the great September fair, which attracts so many people to Frankfort.

The next day, while attempting to climb a fence, and while in the act of raising the body by the arms, the left humerus was fractured transversely at the exact point of his previous suffering. He was again admitted to the hospital, and the fracture dressed in the usual manner. After five or six days a gutta percha splint was used which encircled the arm. Bony union was slow in taking place.

The odor of factories and of chemical products now passed with the breeze which was simulated by means of fans; nature exhaled its sweet effluvia amid this putrescence. Des Esseintes warmed a pellet of storax, and a singular odor, at once repugnant and exquisite, pervaded the room. It partook of the delicious fragrance of jonquil and of the stench of gutta percha and coal oil.

Of course he was unable to walk, but was taken to a house near by. With some assistance from a brother physician the patella was brought down to its place, but it would not remain. I suggested the use of a gutta percha mould or covering for the knee.

If we rub these two bodies together, the potential of the two is no longer the same. We do not know which one has become greater, and in this respect our knowledge of electricity is less complete than of heat. We assume that the gutta percha has become negative.

A muddy-looking liquid which they called coffee strong, soggy biscuits, a beefsteak that would rival in toughness a piece of baked gutta percha, and evidently swimming in lard, and potatoes which gave decided tokens of having been served on more than one previous occasion.

A colony of cicadas on the limbs of a great gutta tree awoke into life and pierced our ears with buzz-saw strains. In an instant we were all alert, the heat was forgotten. At any minute a herd of pigs might dart out and on to us, or possibly our drivers might rouse a tiger. The screaming ascended to a delirious pitch the pigs were discovered! I threw my cartridge from the magazine into the barrel.

In less than a minute the syrupy fluid has dried, and appears like a film of transparent varnish on the glass plate. We now place it on a flat double hook of gutta percha and lower it gently into the nitrate-of-silver bath. As it must remain there three or four minutes, we will pass away the time in explaining what has been already done. The syrupy fluid was iodized collodion.

From them papier maché impressions are taken and bent into a curve, so that the casts made from them will fit the cylinders of the printing presses. In electrotyping, an impression is taken from the die in wax or gutta percha. The surface of this impression is coated with powdered plumbago.

Continued to wear it during the day for perhaps a fortnight, when I found he could leave it off entirely. I mention this case partly for the purpose of calling the attention of the members of the society to the use of gutta percha as a material for splints. It is not adapted to all cases of fracture; but in very many cases I find nothing else so satisfactory.