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Updated: August 14, 2024

"As to the muscles, there is a short flexor, a short extensor, and a peronaeus longus, while the tendons of the long flexors of the great toe and of the other toes are united together and into an accessory fleshy bundle. "The hind-limb of the Gorilla, therefore, ends in a true foot with a very movable great toe.

This law of rhythm or of equilibrium in motion and in rest is the end, aim, and effect of all true physical training for the development and guidance of the body. Its ruling power is proved in the very construction of the body, the two sides; the circulation of the blood, veins and arteries; the muscles, extensor and flexor; the nerves, sensory and motor.

Adduction and abduction movements of the fingers are lost. Adduction of the thumb is carried out, not by the paralysed adductor pollicis, but the movement may be simulated by the long flexor and extensor muscles of the thumb.

Rotation of the distal phalanx upon its transverse axis produces a condition, with respect to this peculiar impediment, that is equivalent to added and excessive length of the deep flexor tendon. Where there occurs suppuration, by careful inspection of the coronary region, one may early recognize detachment of hoof.

On the anterior face of the bones, the capsular ligament is attached to the carpal bones in such manner that an imperfect partitioning of the three joint compartments is formed. Posteriorly, the capsule is very heavy and forms a sort of padding over the irregular surfaces of the bones, and also its reflexions constitute the sheaths of the flexor tendons.

It is possible in many cases to stretch the flexor tendons by grasping the colt's foot with one hand, and with the other hand one may push the pastern in the direction of dorsal flexion. This may be tried and when a reasonable amount of force is employed, no harm is done, even though no material benefit results.

But for the stronger intellects New England Calvinism became a potent spiritual gymnastic, where, as in the Swedish system of bodily training, one lifts imaginary and ever-increasing weights with imaginary and ever-increasing effort, flexor and extensor muscles pulling against one another, driven by the will. Calvinism bred athletes as well as maniacs.

So with regard to the muscles. The short flexor of the toes of the Gorilla differs from that of Man by the circumstance that one slip of the muscle is attached, not to the heel bone, but to the tendons of the long flexors.

Severe and continuous driving is a common factor in the production of this condition. Strains of the flexor muscles of the region may cause it. The retraction of the flexor muscles and their tendons and the aponeurosis of the antibrachial region occurs in this disorder and prevents the animal from extending the knee.

The flexor tendons are sometimes destroyed, the toe being dorsiflexed by the unopposed extensors. The depth of the track being so disproportionate to its superficial area, the condition closely simulates a tuberculous sinus, for which it is liable to be mistaken.

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