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Updated: August 18, 2024

Masada had been occupied by Eleazar, a grandson of Judas of Galilee, the leader of the most fanatical section of the Zealots; and it fell to the procurator Flavius Silva to reduce it. Josephus utters a final outburst against the hated nationalist party and especially its two leaders, Simon of Gioras and John of Gischala, though both had become victims of Roman revenge.

Struck with wonder at this presentation, Timon hastily replied: "My lands extend from Athens to Lacedoemon." "O my good lord," said Flavius, "the world is but a world, and has bounds. Were it all yours to give in a breath, how quickly were it gone!" Lucullus was the first applied to.

R. ii. and iii., quoted in Bloch, Die Quellen des Flavius Josephus, 1879. Besides embroidering the Bible text with Haggadic legends, Josephus is prone to place in the mouths of the characters rhetorical speeches in the Greek style, either expanding a verse or two in the Bible or composing them entirely.

At last, tired of lawlessness, dissension and weakness, and seemingly dreading an invasion from Childebert, king of the Franks, they chose a king, Autharis the son of Cleph, and called him Flavius, by which Roman title the Lombard kings were afterwards known.

Another "new man" was found in Caius Flavius Fimbria, a product of the forensic activity of the age, a clever lawyer, a bitter and vehement speaker, but with a power that secured his efforts a transitory circulation as types of literary oratory.

The next moment a soldier's head appeared in the doorway, to be quickly withdrawn with the exclamation, "It is true here lies Apollinaris!" "One moment," said a second deep voice, and over the threshold stepped the legate of the legion, Quintus Flavius Nobilior, in all the panoply of war, and saluted the brothers.

I recognized the back of Flavius Clemens! If he turned round I felt I was lost. Yet I could not flee. Falco was certain to linger in the shop. I must keep my self-control and prepare to brazen out anything. The next instant I recognized the back of the lady next Flavius Clemens. Vedia! As I recognized her she turned, saw me, knew me through my disguise, flushed, and turned back.

Manius Acilius Glabrio, who was consul B.C. 191, defeated in that year Antiochus III. king of Syria, commonly called the Great, at Thermopylæ in Greece. Antiochus afterwards withdrew into Asia. C. Flavius Fimbria was the legatus of the consul L. Valerius Flaccus. It was equivalent to six Roman modii.

Cicero was general of the cavalry, and the next general officer was Flavius, master of Ihe artillery, the elder Lentulus was admiral, and the younger rode in the band of volunteers; under these the tribunes, with many others, too tedious to name."

It is not even impossible that there may have been a third dark and evil influence at work to undermine the Christians, for about this very time the unscrupulous Pharisee Flavius Josephus had availed himself of the intrigues of the palace to secure the liberation of some Jewish priests.

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