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The fingerprint expert did as he was told. When he stepped down he was holding, between the very tips of his fingers, a safety razor blade. "No dust on it, you see," Dundee pointed out. "Now if you don't find Dexter Sprague's fingerprints on it, my whole theory topples." "How am I going to know whose fingerprints they are till we get hold of Sprague?" Carraway asked reasonably.

Wilson had perfect tracings of the finger marks of the knife handle; and among his glass records he had a great array of fingerprints of women and girls, collected during the last fifteen or eighteen years, but he scanned them in vain, they successfully withstood every test; among them were no duplicates of the prints on the knife.

Half the town had said the twins were humbugging when they claimed they had lost their knife, and now these people were joyful, and said, "I told you so!" If their fingerprints had been on the handle but useless to bother any further about that; the fingerprints on the handle were NOT theirs that he knew perfectly.

"European fingerprints," he said, quietly, "and European footprints out there. It is not Chinamen that we have to look out for." "What the Old Harry " Jimmie checked himself as a figure darkened the doorway. Ned stepped forward to greet the newcomer.

The fingerprints of mummies can be deciphered even after thousands of years. But," he added slowly, "you can change fingers." The idea was so startling that I could scarcely realise what he meant at first.

I hinted broadly at seeking fingerprints which might lead to the identity of one who had entered the house unknown to the Godwins, and placed a document where private detectives would subsequently find it under suspicious circumstances. "Naturally, it would seem to one who was guilty of such an act, or knew of it, that there might, after all, be finger-prints. I tried it.

"But the powder marks spoiled the picture of suicide for me. The rest was merely a matter of routine. The same was true of the Schurman affair. It was made to look to the casual observer like suicide. If you did not accept the suicide theory, you were given an alternative theory, the mode of entrance, the big meal, the eggs, the nail file with positive fingerprints.

Everywhere, as we go about our small business, we must discern the fingerprints of the gigantic plan, the orderly and inexorable routine with neither beginning nor end, in which death is but a preface to another birth, and birth the certain forerunner of another death.

"When we find the gun, too it's somewhere in this wood you'll see that the fingerprints won't help," he replied thoughtfully. "The man who remembered to safeguard his feet would not forget his hands. We're up against a tough proposition, young fellow-me-lad." "Your way of thinking reminds me of Herbert Spencer's reason for not learning Latin grammar as a youth," grinned Furneaux.

"You mean that I have come deliberately to insult you, Hatton?" "Our conversation seems to be getting difficult, unless you grant that honour is not one immovable, intangible landmark, fixed for humanity, but that it is a commodity we all carry with us in varying forms." "Personally, I believe that, as a help to identification, honour-impressions would be as useful as fingerprints." "Good!