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Stone patiently, "is to make the fingerprints stand out, so we can get a good likeness of 'em." He put the bottle aside, blinked at the safe approvingly, and by further exercise of powers of legerdemain materialized a pocket kodak and a flashlight pistol. "Can't I help you?" Blensop offered eagerly. "I used to be rather a dab at amateur photography, you know."

"There's one thing more," said Mel. "Fingerprints. When we first came here Alice got a job where she had to have her fingerprints taken." "Excellent!" Dr. Winters exclaimed. "That should give us our final proof!" It took the rest of the afternoon to get the fingerprint record and make a comparison. Dr. Winters called Mel at home to give him the report. There was no question.

"I don't know that I could tell a blind man satisfactorily. How do the people of the Noxus system telepath? I don't know, and they've tried to tell me. All I know is that mutations occurred sometime while Proxima Centauri was an orphan system, which enable many of us to make small changes in our appearance. Hair color, skin pigmentation, fingerprints. Usually takes about two days.

And we have Carraway's report that it was Sprague's fingerprints on those nickleplated things you have to press together to make the screen roll up or down. Furthermore, I haven't a doubt in the world that the ballistics expert in Chicago will report that the bullet was fired from the same gun that killed Nita Selim." "Neither have I," Dundee agreed.

It was long ago, and there seemed to be little that I could do. I knew it was useless to look for fingerprints. "So I used what we detectives now call the law of suggestion. I questioned closely one who was in touch with all those who might have had such access.

"No," explained Morgan, "but I found the marks of the sides of somebody's hands on the dining room table in that flat. I want them prepared and photographed just as if they were fingerprints." "But you can't identify anybody by marks of that kind," remarked Tierney, with an inquiring note in his voice. "Probably not," Morgan returned.

We will not admit making deals with any criminals, in jail or out, but he is willing to testify, and is on his way to Terra now. He can identify pictures of Anton Gerrit as those of the man he operated on fourteen years ago, and his testimony and Ernestine Coyón's fingerprints will identify Ravick as that man.

"No, sir, I don't. But if I haven't got your fingerprints, how am I going to tell them from the thief's?" "Oh, I see," Blensop said with a note of allayed apprehension, and put himself on record. The door opening to admit Colonel Stanistreet, Lanyard rose.

Strawn flung open the door which led into the back room, remarking with a grin: "Don't be afraid I'm gumming up any fingerprints. Carraway has already been over the room.... The Selim woman's bedroom," he explained. "The room she was killed in." "You have been on the job," Dundee complimented his former chief. "Sure!" Strawn acknowledged proudly.

But it was the absence of fingerprints on the pivoting panel and shelf which kept me on the right track. Miles had searched the shelf for the marriage certificate which he could not know Nita had already burned. Probably, too, he had written her a few letters during their short courtship " "How was Sprague killed?" Sanderson interrupted impatiently.