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A reddish figure with a hawk's-head crowned with the pschent, the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, bore a disc containing a winged globe, and seemed to watch on the threshold of the tomb. Some fellahs lighted torches and preceded the two travellers, who were accompanied by Argyropoulos.

The flotilla thus unprotected fell in with seven Turkish gunboats coming from Cairo, and was exposed simultaneously to their fire and to that of the Mamelukes, fellahs, and Arabs who lined both banks of the river. They had small guns mounted on camels. Perree cast anchor, and an engagement commenced at nine o'clock on the 14th of July, and continued till half past twelve.

We lived for eleven days on melons and water, besides being momentarily exposed to the musketry of the Arabs and the fellahs. We luckily escaped with but a few killed and wounded. The rising of the Nile was only beginning. The shallowness of the river near Cairo obliged us to leave the xebec and get on board a djerm. We reached Gizeh at three in the afternoon of the 23d of July.

But really, doesn't she hate boilers and things? 'I can answer for her not being so idiotic as to hate Boilers, he returns with angry emphasis; 'though I cannot answer for her views about Things; really not understanding what Things are meant. 'But don't she hate Arabs, and Turks, and Fellahs, and people? 'Certainly not. Very firmly. 'At least she MUST hate the Pyramids? Come, Eddy?

Ye wretched madmen, ye poor fellahs, are ye too ready to join in this praise? Quitting this abode of misery, my dragoman led me to "Joseph's well," which is deeply hewn out of the rock. I descended more than two hundred and seventy steps, and had got half-way to the bottom of the gigantic structure. On looking downward into its depths a feeling of giddiness came over me.

Dense masses of people, Turks and Armenians, Copts and Jews, Arabs and fellahs, throng the streets through which they pass. On the imposing procession moves toward the citadel. At the same time a splendid debahieh has landed at the second place; it is the wife of Mohammed Ali, who stands on the deck. No soldiers, and in fact no men, await her on the shore.

Before my departure I had a terrible quarrel with the donkey-driver whom I usually employed. These men, as in fact all fellahs, are accustomed to cheat strangers in every possible way, but particularly with coins. They usually carry bad money about with them, which they can substitute for the good at the moment when they are paid, with the dexterity of jugglers.

To this point were drawn not only the Fellahs of the surrounding Delta, but Nubians, Soudanese and Copts from the south; Arabs from across the Red Sea and from Fezzan and Tripoli; Mograbs on their western way from the Hadj; Turks from Aleppo, Broussa and Constantinople; Greeks, both Hellenes and Fanariots; Maltese, Italians and Syrians; Armenians and Jews.

I'm the fellah that tole one day The tale of the won'erful one-hoss-shay. Wan' to hear another? Say. Funny, wasn'it? Made me laugh, I'm too modest, I am, by half, Made me laugh 's though I sh'd split, Cahn' a fellah like fellah's own wit? Fellahs keep sayin', "Well, now that's nice; Did it once, but cahn' do it twice." Don' you b'lieve the'z no more fat; Lots in the kitch'n 'z good 'z that.

The agricultural villages of the surrounding region agriculture appears to have been introduced among the Libyans at a very early period, probably anterior to the Phoenician settlement, and presumably from Egypt were subdued by force of arms, and the free Libyan farmers were transformed into fellahs, who paid to their lords a fourth part of the produce of the soil as tribute, and were subjected to a regular system of recruiting for the formation of a home Carthaginian army.