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He could not believe that it was this which had awakened him, and which had awakened the ten or twelve workmen who also slept in the camp, for these were now clustering around him, and all looking up at the side of the pyramid. "Fayûm nights are strangely still.

Between the Fayum and the apex of the Delta, the Libyan range expands and forms a vast and slightly undulating table-land, which runs parallel to the Nile for nearly thirty leagues. The great Sphinx Harmakhis has mounted guard over its northern extremity ever since the time of the followers of Horus.

* Illustrated on Plate IX of Fayûm Towns and Their Papyri. See Dr. Stein's Sand-buried Ruins of Khotan, London, 1903.

In one of these the younger priests placed the sleeping Lykon with a bag on his head; in the other the high priest himself took his place and, surrounded by a party of horsemen went at a sharp trot in the direction of Fayum. On the night between the 14th and 15th Paofi the high priest Samentu, according to the promise given Ramses, entered the labyrinth by a corridor known to himself only.

Since 1900 Doctors Grenfell and Hunt have excavated each winter on behalf of the Græco-Roman Branch, in 1900-01 in the Fayûm, and in 1901-02 both there and at Hibeh, with the result that a very large collection of Ptolemaic papyri was obtained. In the winter of 1902-03, after finishing their work at Hibeh, they returned to Oxyrrhynchos.

The pyramid of Amenemhat III., the greatest King of the great Twelfth Dynasty, and indeed one of the greatest men who ever held the Egyptian sceptre, stood at Hawara, near the mouth of the Fayum. Not far from it Amenemhat erected a huge temple, such as had never been built before, and never was built again, even in that land of gigantic structures.

The ibis was identified with Tahuti, the god of Hermopolis. The goose is connected with Amon of Thebes. The swallow was also sacred. The crocodile was worshipped especially in the Fayum, where it frequented the marshy levels of the great lake, and Strabo's description of the feeding of the sacred crocodile there is familiar.

Ye will do this immediately, so that there be supplies wherever needed till the 23d of Paofi." The treasurer inclined to the pavement. "Thou, scribe, wilt write and command to-morrow to herald forth in the streets of provincial capitals that barbarians of the western desert are advancing in great force to attack the province of Fayum. Thou, Kalippos, wilt dispatch four Greek regiments southward.

Because of them we pay immense taxes, and the wounds on our backs are always open." Among the Libyan hills, about thirty-five miles south of Memphis, lay the country of Piom or Fayum, wonderful through this, that human hands had made it. There was formerly in this province a sunken desert surrounded by naked hills.

He left Fayum with a sigh and gazed around as he traveled. Soon his attention was fixed by a majestic pile of gray buildings which stood on an eminence. At the gate of the famous labyrinth Ramses was greeted by a company of priests of ascetic exterior, and a small division of troops, every man in which was completely shaven. "These men look like priests," said Ramses.