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F-f-find 'em all in a h-h-heap, and then nothin' doin' for w-w-weeks." "Then our chums must have struck the jolliest place on the whole river," Bandy-legs observed. "H-h-hope they m-m-marked it, then," Toby went on. "How about it, Max, Steve?" demanded the other pearl hunter of the afternoon.

She leaned back in her chair and looked at him with a little frown. "No, that won't do; it's too risky." "It will have to do if we can't f-f-find any other way out of the difficulty." "Then we must find another way, that's all. It's out of the question for you to go again just now." An obstinate line appeared at the corners of his under lip. "I d-don't see that it's out of the question."

S-Spike s-s- stripped and s-swum out into the f-fog, but he couldn't f-f-find her, and we thought the b-b-blooming yacht had g-gone adrift, t-too! And so we s-stayed on sh-shore, and slept in a p-p-potato- patch, and all we had to eat was some r-r-radishes.

They get away from us here, but if eternity is as long as they s-s-say it is, I'll find D-D-Dave Corson if it t-t-takes the whole of it, and when I f-f-find him " he paused again, gasping and strangling.

His dress was picturesque, if not ragged: his coat and pants were so widely apart, at the waist, as to reveal a large track of very incorrect linen; and the said coat had been deprived of one of its tails, an unfortunate occurrence, as the loss exposed a large compound fracture in the rear of the young gentleman's trowsers, whereby he was subjected to the remark that he had 'a letter in the post office. His name was derived from an inveterate habit of stuttering with which he was afflicted; and he related the issue of his search somewhat in the following manner: 'You see, I ha-ha-happened to be l-loafing down Wa-Wa-Washington street, this evening, quite pro-miscus like, ven I seed two vim-vimmen, as vos gallus ha-handsum, and dr-dressed to kill, a valking along, vich puts me in m-m-mind of the F-F-Franklin vimmen, as you hired me to f-f-find out.

Right in the start we found all those b-b-bully p-p-pearls in those mussels we g-g-gathered in the Big Sunflower River, and laid away a n-n-nice n-n-nest-egg in bank for the crowd. Sure we'll f-f-find Roland Chase; we've just g-g-got to, that's all." "All I want to say about it, boys," observed Max, "is that I admire the grit of the boy.

"You bet we have," panted Bandy-legs, as he set his burden down. "G-g-great s-s-sport," remarked Toby, following. "Glad you like it," laughed Max, "because we expect to do a heap of wading while we're up here." "D-d-did you open the others?" "We sure did," chuckled Steve. "F-f-find anything in 'em?" "Did we?