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Between two of them is a deep depression at the base of the thumb, which the French call the "anatomical tobacco box." The relative position of the several extensor tendons on the back of the wrist and fingers as they play in their grooves over the back of the radius and ulna can be distinctly traced when the several muscles are put in action.

As to the muscles, there is a short flexor, a short extensor, and a 'peronaeus longus', while the tendons of the long flexors of the great toe and of the other toes are united together and with an accessory fleshy bundle. The hind limb of the Gorilla, therefore, ends in a true foot, with a very moveable great toe.

A good many persons, in different parts of the country, now handle one hundred and twenty-five, and Dr. Windship has got much farther on. There is, of course, a knack in using these little articles, as in every other feat, yet it takes good extensor muscles to get beyond the fifties.

Every Monkey and Lemur exhibits the characteristic arrangement of tarsal bones, possesses a short flexor and short extensor muscle, and a 'peronaeus longus'. Varied as the proportions and appearance of the organ may be, the terminal division of the hind limb remains, in plan and principle of construction, a foot, and never, in those respects, can be confounded with a hand.

Great strain is put upon these parts because the biceps brachii is the chief inhibiting structure of the scapulohumeral articulation the one which prevents further flexion of the humerus during weight bearing. Passing, as it does, over two articulations, the biceps brachii has a somewhat complicated function, being a flexor of the radius and an extensor of the humerus.

The flexor carpi ulnaris may also be anastomosed with the common extensor of the fingers. The extensors of the wrist may be shortened, so as to place the hand in the position of dorsal flexion, and thus improve the attitude and grasp of the hand. The deep branch may be divided as it passes through the supinator in operations on old fractures and dislocations in the region of the elbow.

Turner, has been expressly described by Theile as a rudimentary repetition of the extensor of the tail, a muscle which is so largely developed in many mammals. The upper part of this filament, as Prof. Turner informs me, is undoubtedly homologous with the spinal cord; but the lower part apparently consists merely of the pia mater, or vascular investing membrane.

In cases of joint disease, the muscles acting on the joint become atrophied more rapidly than is accounted for by disuse alone, and this is attributed to an interference with the trophic innervation of the muscles reflected from centres in the spinal medulla. It is more marked in the extensor than in the flexor groups of muscles.

In chronic lead-poisoning the most prominent symptoms are a blue line on the gums, anæmia, emaciation, pallor, quick pulse, persistent constipation, colic, cramps in limbs, and paralysis of the extensor muscles, causing 'dropped hand. May get saturnine encephalopathies, of which intense headache, optic neuritis, and epileptiform convulsions, are the most common.

Not having given much attention to the development of the extensor muscles of the arms for several months previous, it was a number of weeks before I could put this dumb-bell up at arm's-length above my head with one hand.