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Just as our extensor muscles act most truly when a simultaneous contraction of the flexors guides and steadies them; so the mind of him whose fields of consciousness are complex, and who, with the reasons for the action, sees the reasons against it, and yet, instead of being palsied, acts in the way that takes the whole field into consideration, so, I say, is such a mind the ideal sort of mind that we should seek to reproduce in our pupils.

Taken as a whole, the tarsal bones, interarticulating and articulating with the tibia and metatarsal bones form the hock joint and this articulation is analagous to the carpus. As with the carpus, there is less movement in the inferior portion of the joint than in the superior part of the articulation. The extensor brevis is visible in the angle between the long and lateral extensor tendons.

But for the stronger intellects New England Calvinism became a potent spiritual gymnastic, where, as in the Swedish system of bodily training, one lifts imaginary and ever-increasing weights with imaginary and ever-increasing effort, flexor and extensor muscles pulling against one another, driven by the will. Calvinism bred athletes as well as maniacs.

Subcutaneous rupture of the tendon of the extensor pollicis longus at the wrist takes place just after its emergence from beneath the annular ligament; the actual rupture may occur painlessly, more frequently a sharp pain is felt over the back of the wrist. The prominence of the tendon, which normally forms the ulnar border of the snuff-box, disappears.

In case of his defeat, other men would take up the cause, and maintain it until at last England would have to fall back on her old system of courts-martial, and triangles, and free quarters, and Irishmen would find that there was no help for them "in franchises, in votings, in spoutings, in shoutings, and toasts drank with enthusiasm nor in anything in this world, save the extensor and contractor muscles of their right arms, in these and in the goodness of God above."

A. Barbier reports a case of bilateral luxation of the fetlock joints of the hind legs in a horse. This was done in jumping, and the extensor tendon of each leg was ruptured and the anterior portion of the metatarsus was protruding through the skin. Profuse hemorrhage had taken place due to tearing of the blood vessels. Symptomatology.

Accordingly this book assigns certain fundamental expansions, which everyone should practice and does practice if he obey his own deep instincts. Negative emotions, such as fear, despondency, or antagonism, cause contraction and tend to constrict the vital organs. It can, of course, be seen at once that expansion is due to the activity of the extensor muscles.

He appeared before a pension board in New York, June 29, 1865, with the following history: In 1862 he suffered a sabre-cut across the quadriceps extensor of the left thigh, and a sabre-thrust between the bones of the forearm at the middle third. Soon afterward at Williamsburg, Va., he was shot in the thigh, the ball passing through the middle third external to the femur.

The greater part of the long extensor has been removed. 1, 2, 3. Stumps of patellar ligaments. 4. Tuberosity of tibia. The ligaments are femerotibial, femeropatellar and capsular. In addition to the usual provision for articulation of bones there are situated cartilaginous menisci between the condyles of the femur and the head of the tibia.

Now look at the Galeopithecus or flying lemur, which formerly was falsely ranked amongst bats. It has an extremely wide flank-membrane, stretching from the corners of the jaw to the tail, and including the limbs and the elongated fingers: the flank membrane is, also, furnished with an extensor muscle.