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Again, death may result instantaneously from wounds of the precordial region, or according to Erichsen, if held directly over the heart, from the discharge of a pistol containing powder alone, a result occasionally seen after a blow on the precordial region.

Erichsen effected recovery by rest alone, in an individual whose ribs and both clavicles were fractured by being squeezed.

Erichsen and Lorentzen have not only seen other waterspouts, but the first, when on a sailing vessel in the tropics, ran into the very middle of one with no worse result than to deluge the deck of the ship with water as a heavy shower would have done.

Foreign bodies loose in the abdominal cavity are sometimes voided at stool, or may suppurate externally. Fabricius Hildanus gives us a history of a person wounded with a sword-thrust into the abdomen, the point breaking off. The sword remained one year in the belly and was voided at stool. Erichsen mentions an instance in which a cedar lead-pencil stayed for eight months in the abdominal cavity.

The intestine was, without doubt, pierced in two of its curves, which was demonstrated later by an autopsy. A plastic exudation had evidently agglutinated the intestine at the points of penetration, and prevented an immediate fatal issue. Erichsen practiced extraction eight months after the accident, and a pencil 5 1/2 inches long, having a strong fecal odor, was brought out.

Alfred Wigan was also a consummate artiste. THROUGH George Bird I made the acquaintance of the leading surgeons and physicians of the North London Hospital, where I frequently attended the operations of Erichsen, John Marshall, and Sir Henry Thompson, following them afterwards in their clinical rounds. Amongst the physicians, Professor Sydney Ringer remains one of my oldest friends.

Erichsen are all for small quantities, which will be distributed, and perhaps eaten, in twelve or twenty-four hours after their arrival. It would require a thousand tons to make an impression, and that only a temporary one. Our salvation of the depôt system is in the importation of a large supply. These small shipments are only drops in the ocean."

'And then, dearest, I hope you will make up your mind to spend the season in London, wrote Lesbia. 'I shall expect to hear that you have secured Lord Porlock's house. How dreadfully slow your poor dear hand is to recover! I am afraid Horton is not treating the case cleverly. Why do you not send for Mr. Erichsen?

Among the benign bone tumors are exostoses homologous outgrowths differing from hypertrophies, as they only involve a limited part of the circumference. Barwell had a case of a girl with 38 exostoses. Erichsen mentions a young man of twenty-one with 15 groups of symmetric exostoses in various portions of the body; they were spongy or cancellous in nature.

We have no arrivals yet announced, either at Westport or Sligo, and the remains there must be nothing, or next to nothing. The bills of lading from Mr. Erichsen are all for small quantities, which will be distributed, and perhaps eaten, in twelve or twenty-four hours after their arrival. It would require a thousand tons to make an impression, and that only a temporary one.