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At the cessation of the menstrual flow, she generally had a supplementary epistaxis, and on one occasion, when this was omitted, she suffered a sudden effusion into the anterior chamber of the eye. The discharge had only lasted two hours on this occasion. He also relates an example of hemorrhage into the vitreous humor in a case of amenorrhea.

Fresh urine more especially that of children and young women is taken as a medicine in nearly all parts of the world for various disorders, such as epistaxis, malaria and hysteria, with benefit, this benefit being almost certainly due to its qualities as a general stimulant and restorative. Its use has been known even in England in the nineteenth century.

Horstius, Fabricius Hildanus, and Schenck, all record instances of death from hemorrhage of the gums. Tulpius speaks of hemoptysis lasting chronically for thirty years, and there is a similar record of forty years' duration in the Ephemerides. Chapman gives several instances of extreme hemorrhage from epistaxis.

A brief editorial note on epistaxis through the eyes, referring to a case in the Medical News of November 30, 1895, provoked further reports from numerous correspondents. Among others, the following: "Dr. T. L. Wilson of Bellwood, Pa., relates the case of an old lady of seventy-eight whom he found with the blood gushing from the nostrils.

12th " One million trillionth, or one quadrillionth, marked IV., and so on indefinitely. "gastralgia, epistaxis, haemoptysis, asthma and suppuration of the lungs, megrim, deafness, cataract and amaurosis, paralysis, loss of sense, pains of every kind, etc., appear in our pathology as so many peculiar, distinct, and independent diseases."

12th " One million trillionth, or one quadrillionth, marked IV., and so on indefinitely. "gastralgia, epistaxis, haemoptysis, asthma and suppuration of the lungs, megrim, deafness, cataract and amaurosis, paralysis, loss of sense, pains of every kind, etc., appear in our pathology as so many peculiar, distinct, and independent diseases."

F. L. Donlon of New York City reports the case of a married woman, about fifty years old, in whom epistaxis set in suddenly at 11 P.M., and had continued for several hours, when the anterior nares were plugged. In a short time the woman complained that she could scarcely see, owing to the welling up of blood in the eyes and trickling down her face.

We felt a thing run along the sides or side like a whetstone. Robert Francis saith he remembers his wife said that night the child was taken ill, the Lord bless me and my child, here is goody Harrison." JACOB JOHNSON'S WIFE The box on the head Diet, drink, and plasters Epistaxis "The relation of the wife of Jacob Johnson.

Some of these instances were, perhaps, of the nature of compensatory hemorrhage, substituting the menses or periodic hemorrhoids, hemoptysis, epistaxis, etc., or possibly purpura. Extreme religious frenzy or deep emotions might have been the indirect cause of a number of these bleeding zealots.

If the left ventricle becomes dilated the mitral valve may become insufficient, when the usual lung symptoms occur, with hypertrophy of the right ventricle; and if it fails, the usual venous symptoms of loss of compensation follow. This lesion not infrequently causes epistaxis, hemoptysis and hematemesis. Digitalis is always of value in these cases, but it should not be pushed.