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I wonder what the Fatty is about just now?" added Louis. "Flix will soon enlighten us on that subject, for he has a wonderfully sharp pair of eyes." "Do you really believe we shall get over to Cyprus, Captain Scott?" asked Louis, looking sharply into the eyes of the navigator. "Why should we not?"

The training of his mind, the awakening of his imagination, the formation of his taste and style, the humorous dramatizing of his experience, all this discipline had failed to pervert his character, narrow his sympathies, or undermine his purposes. His intelligence served to enlighten his will, and his will, to establish the mature decisions of his intelligence.

"Guess there's more behind it than that. What are they hoping on, anyway?" "Donno donno." But the sudden appearance of Sydney Cranbourne did something to enlighten them. "Forgive my intrusion, gentlemen," he said, "but could you give me a possible date on which we might expect the return of our mutual friend?" Neither Hipps nor Van Diest betrayed the smallest surprise.

Let us encourage rather their simple credulity, enlighten complacently and tenderly their precious sincerity, and reserve our shafts for those vain-glorious spirits who are always admiring their genius, and, in different tongues, caressing the people in order to govern them. I leave, therefore, the journalist to address myself only to his readers.

The young Empress, thinking herself sick, consulted M. Corvisart, who, finding that her imagination alone was at fault, and that she was suffering simply from the nervousness natural to a young woman, ordered, as his only prescription, a box of pills composed of bread and sugar, which the Empress was to take regularly; after doing which Marie Louise found herself better, and thanked M. Corvisart, who did not think proper, as may well be believed, to enlighten her as to his little deception.

The artist, indeed, was very ignorant of what had been done by other electricians; and Professor Gale was able to enlighten him. When Gale acquainted him with some results in telegraphing obtained by Mr. Barlow, he said he was not aware that anyone had even conceived the notion of using the magnet for such a purpose.

First, labour to enlighten the hearer as to the essence of the Christian dispensation, the grounding and pervading idea, and then set it forth in its manifold perspective, its various stages and modes of manifestation. In this as in almost all other qualities of a preacher of Christ, Luther after Paul and John is the great master.

'There is one question, continues Mr Faraday, 'in relation to gravity, which, if we could ascertain or touch it, would greatly enlighten us. It is, whether gravitation requires time. If it did, it would shew undeniably that a physical agency existed in the course of the line of force.

"Well, friend Tom, so we are off at last." "Yes, my lord; but I have not heard yet whither." "No; and, like a wise and prudent fellow, have not desired to know too much. You are a model of patience, Tom an excellent companion to have. But the time has come when I can safely enlighten you as far as you need be enlightened.

It is true that education and intelligence, if they will only acquit themselves of their tasks with disinterested probity, may enlighten and instruct the ignorant how to turn their means to account; but, all experience proves that each individual usually takes the best care of his own interests, and that the system is wisest which grants to him the amplest opportunity so to do.