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The voyagers were now near the lower portion of what is now known as South Dakota, and they camped in territory embraced in the county of Presho. Here they were forced to send out their hunters; their stock of meat was nearly exhausted. The hunters returned empty-handed.

And so it is an encouragement to us when we feel ourselves to be what we are, and what we should always feel ourselves to be, empty-handed, coming to Him not only with hearts that aspire like incense, but with petitions that confess our need, and cast ourselves upon His grace. See that you desire what God wishes to give; see that you go to Him for what He does give.

They were in the house half an hour or more, but went away as empty-handed as they came.

We are going away, out into the world together! How happy I am! Otto and I are to flee together. When Alexis comes we shall be gone; we shall be far away. I have said to Otto that I will fly with him, and he has said yes. I told him that we would go out into the world together; empty-handed we would fare forth together and defy the world. I said that he should be my knight-errant, my paladin!

This Corean envoy was detained half a year by the Japanese, but he had also to return empty-handed. Meanwhile the King of Corea sent his own brother on a special mission to Kublai, to endeavor to mollify his Tartar majesty. In the autumn of 1268 Hart and his former assistant colleague were sent a third time.

Owing to his knowledge of the road and the length of his limbs, he accomplished the journey so quickly that he was there before the royal horsemen had time to get back. It was well for them that it was so, for, had he not pleaded that their lives might be saved, their heads would certainly have been cut off for returning empty-handed. Everything was now arranged to everybody's satisfaction.

I knew what sundry kindly-natured persons would say, in the event of my returning to England empty-handed, were I to lead the steadiest life possible. "Here is Frank Lorton back again like a bad penny!" they would sneer. "Reformed from all his wild ways, eh? Really, Mrs Grundy, you must not expect us to believe that!

I belong to you, and you belong to me, and I am taking you home to my mother." At the word, silence fell, not on the lips, but on the soul of the raving prophetess: the chief she loved, his mother she feared. "Set me down, Macruadh!" she pleaded in gentle tone. "Don't carry me to her empty-handed!

He reached into a basket and flung a mackerel upon the table. "There! I saved it for you, and sent the good women of Matanzas away empty-handed. But it is the very last. Annoy me again and I shall open you with my knife and put salt on you." "Ah! You ARE my good captain!" Jacket cried in triumph, possessing himself of the prize. "Where would I have been but for you?"

As time wore on the fresh meat was finished, scurvy became worse; and it was as much as the men who were not quite knocked down could do to attend to those who were. Day after day Tom and Gregory and Sam Baker went out to hunt, and each day returned empty-handed. Sometimes an Arctic hare or a fox was got; but not often. At last rats were eaten as food.