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Boarders must be warned an' watched, elseways we shall hev all in the house afloat, 'cepting the stoves an' flat-irons, by-'n'-by. Somebody at Mrs. Moyler's acted so, and the house was like a roarin' sea, with the baby adrift in his little cradle, and the roaches a-swimmin' round. Oh, dear!" Now Mr.

It's fer the good name o' the dead I've come. Elseways I never'd ha' troubled ye." The astonished colonel shifted his position painfully, prepared to speak or to listen. "There yer girl lies in the light o' heaven. Nex' room my boy lies in the shadder an' dark. He don't know, an' he never will. John Miller, I married as honest an' as good a man as ever you see.

When I prepare a miscellaneous one, I know beforehand that I can't keep to nature, and be miscellaneous with ribs, because every man has his own ribs, and no other man's will go with them; but elseways I can be miscellaneous. I have just sent home a Beauty a perfect Beauty to a school of art. One leg Belgian, one leg English, and the pickings of eight other people in it.

'He's rather wearin' in his talk from making up a lot of names; elseways you needn't mind him. 'Oh, I shan't mind him, Mrs Prig returned. 'I have somethin' else to think of. 'I pays my debts to-night, you know, my dear, and comes afore my time, said Mrs Gamp. 'But, Betsy Prig' speaking with great feeling, and laying her hand upon her arm 'try the cowcumbers, God bless you!

She don't ever remember that it may be only just along of his breeding, and that he may make a very good hound elseways let out a bit, though he'll spoil the whole pack if she will be a fool and try to make a steady line-hunter of him, straight agin his nature." Rake stopped, breathless in his rhetoric, which contained more truth in it, as also more roughness, than most rhetoric does.

You have seen what I've got heer'; putting his hand on where the little packet lay; 'all that troubles me is, to think that any harm might come to me, afore that money was give back. If I was to die, and it was lost, or stole, or elseways made away with, and it was never know'd by him but what I'd took it, I believe the t'other wureld wouldn't hold me! I believe I must come back!