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George played incessantly on the enemy's fleet. A furious battle now raged in the quarter where they were cutting through the dike and throwing up the breastworks.

In some places the dike seemed to widen, so as to make room for houses upon the top of it. There were snug little taverns, where the captains and crews of the vessels that were sailing by could stop and refresh themselves, when wind or tide bound in their vessels, and now and then a shop or store of some kind, or a row of pretty, though very queer-looking, cottages.

But of course the small voice was drowned in the tumult of wind and wave, and the father, working eagerly on the other side of the dike, heard no sound of it. Close by the shelter in which Jamie was crouching there were several great tubs, made by sawing molasses-hogsheads into halves.

Nor had Chauncey Dike forgotten the scalp of the brave who leaped at him out of the briers at Neowee. Polly Ann was radiant in a white linen gown, woven and sewed by her own hands. It was not such a gown as Mrs. Temple, Nick's mother, would have worn, and yet she was to me an hundred times more beautiful than that lady in all her silks.

"I just been livin' on the idea of comin' back to it. Why, I The streets here, they're all narrow and choked up. I been countin' on the farm. I want to go back and be a farmer. I want " And then Ben Westerveld spoke. A new Ben Westerveld the old Ben Westerveld. Ben Westerveld, the farmer, the monarch over six hundred acres of bounteous bottomland. "That's all right, Dike," he said.

He could see that the summit of this dike was probably nearly flat, and he surmised that, once up there, one would become master of a pretty enough little plateau on which to sit; but his careful circumvallation could discover no possible method of ascent. The walls afforded no chance for a squirrel's foothold even.

At three in the morning the enemy began to cannonade the prince's quarters at Hille, from a battery of six cannon, which they had raised in the preceding evening on the dike of Rickhorst. This was probably the first intimation he received of their intention.

Here a massive stone wall, twelve feet high, crossed the dike, and stretched out on to the lake on either side. Towers were erected at its angles and, properly defended, it could have resisted the attack of an army. An archway gave passage through the wall.

It was near low tide, and the creek clamored cheerfully along the bottom of its naked red channel. A crisp, salty fragrance came from the moist slopes and gullies; and here and there a little pond, left behind by the ebb, gleamed like flames in the low sunset. Toward the upper end of the Carter farm the dike curved sharply inland till it joined the steep slope of their pasture lot.

Having thoroughly enjoyed their dinner, they exclaimed in broken English: "Good Engish Navy, we should dike to be in you navy to have food dike dis we git no good dhings dike dese." Poor souls! evidently they understood we had at all times a similar mid-day meal, but this belief would have been contradicted by experience had they sat to dinner with us within three days.