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Thwarted and fretted as he continually was by the too common, almost universal, weakness, which deters men from a bold initiative, from assuming responsibility, from embracing opportunity, he could not draw the line between that and an independence of action which would convert unity of command into anarchy.

She urged the old story of decorum that bug-bear which deters so many from bliss until the opportunity for bliss has forever gone by. I had most imprudently made it known among my friends, she observed, that I desired her acquaintance thus that I did not possess it thus, again, there was no possibility of concealing the date of our first knowledge of each other.

Our military forces are strong and ready. This military strength deters aggression against our allies, stabilizes our relations with former adversaries, and protects our homeland. Fully adequate conventional and strategic forces cost many, many billions, but these dollars are sound insurance for our safety and for a more peaceful world. Military strength alone is not sufficient.

Coleridge is bringing out a paper in weekly numbers, called the "Friend," which I would send, if I could; but the difficulty I had in getting the packets of books out to you before deters me; and you'll want something new to read when you come home.

From him they received the immortal soul, but themselves made the body to be its vehicle, and constructed within another soul which was mortal, and subject to terrible affections pleasure, the inciter of evil; pain, which deters from good; rashness and fear, foolish counsellors; anger hard to be appeased; hope easily led astray.

She asked me what I thought of the lace, and though I privately thought it lace of the finest quality, I did not care to contradict her, and so replied that I was no judge. "Madam," said the tradesman, "if you do not like the lace, leave it; will you keep the stuffs?" "Yes," she replied; "and as for the lace, I will shew you that it is not the money that deters me."

In this they obviously err: death deters at least the person who suffers it he commits no more murder; whereas the assassin who is imprisoned for life and immune from further punishment may with impunity kill his keeper or whomsoever he may be able to get at.

K , they amuse us so much of an evening that I should feel quite dull without them. "From that hour the charivari ceased, and the old lady was left to enjoy the society of her young husband in quiet. "I assure you, Mrs. M , that the charivari often deters old people from making disgraceful marriages, so that it is not wholly without its use." A few days after the charivari affair, Mrs.

No such consideration deters English peasants from using white crockery drinking-vessels. In Germany, among the Gipsies, if a woman has trodden on any object, or if the skirt of her dress has swept over or touched it, it is either destroyed, or if of value, is disposed of or never used again.

There the road passes, by which, in winter, the Arabs of Nedjed travel to Hadramaut: it is a low ground with date-trees and wells; but the pestilential climate deters people from residing there. The dates are gathered by the passing travellers. No. Stations of the Hadj or Pilgrim Caravan from Cairo to Mekka.