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The advantages social intercourse procured for her were, however, more than sufficient compensation for the heart-beats it caused her. If there is nothing so deteriorating as association with one's intellectual inferiors, there is, on the other hand, nothing so improving as the society of one's equals or superiors.

The scenery was beautiful to a degree: lofty hills were on either side, clothed most luxuriantly with trees of various kinds, but principally oaks. "This is really very pleasant," said I, "but I suppose it is too good to last long." However, I went on for a considerable way, the road neither deteriorating nor the scenery decreasing in beauty.

This will involve an entire reorganization both of the Weather Bureau and of the Signal Corps, making of the first a purely civil organization and of the other a purely military staff corps. The report of the Chief Signal Officer shows that the work of the corps on its military side has been deteriorating.

"It's against nature. Consequently, though the peppery Fräulein may well be somebody's niece she is not his." "Oh," murmured Priscilla, after they had ridden some way without speaking, "I'm deteriorating already. For the first time in my life I've wanted to box people's ears."

Rámdá was the consistent enemy of hypocrisy and oppression qualities which became conspicuous in Nagendra Babu's nature under the deteriorating influence of wealth. He met the great man's studied insolence with a volley of chaff, which is particularly galling to vain people because they are incapable of understanding it.

If left in the present condition, players who are very fastidious would be complaining of the work not standing well or deteriorating under use. The cause of this deterioration will be that the moisture from the hand in using this part of the instrument in the raw state makes the grain swell as if wetted; this would occur to some extent even if fully varnished.

It was, perhaps, this very prosperity, this ability to stand alone that made Louis and Colbert think it worth while to patronise the works at Aubusson. But it must be said that at this time the factory was deteriorating. Tapestry works are as sensitive as the veriest exotic, and without the proper conditions fail and fade.

All the perplexity of congratulation is removed when two are talking and are saying that they are not where they were. They have been moving and they saw one and pleasantly took something and they did not see one and this had to do with eating. Particularly undertaking refusing everything is a means that is wholesome when health and wealth is not deteriorating.

And the character of the Square was fast changing with all else these busy years. It was no longer a neighborhood center of gossip. There were new faces and many foreign ones in the rows of shops. The neighborhood was deteriorating, or evolving, as you happened to look at it.

As she looked about her among the struggling households, it seemed such was the rule, that if it weren't for the fact of wife and children and bills, the men would deteriorate.... Naturally there were differences, "squabbles," as she called them; but she would have been horrified if any one had suggested that these petty squabbles, the state of mind they produced or indicated, were infinitely more degrading, more deteriorating to them both, than adultery.