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One or two of the weaker brethren joined in with him, and talked kinder deprestin' about it. But Deacon Sypher and Deacon Henzy said they would guard his interests with eagle visions, or somethin' to that effect, and they counselled Josiah warmly that it wuz his duty to go.

One or two of the weaker brethren joined in with him, and talked kinder deprestin' about it. But Deacon Sypher and Deacon Henzy said they would guard his interests with eagle visions, or somethin' to that effect, and they counselled Josiah warmly that it wuz his duty to go.

Another man stood like a statute, and the woman I had spoke to sez, "You can git a dollar if you can make that man laugh." And I sez, "I can." Sez she, "I don't believe it; I've read to him lots of the humorous stories in the late magazines, and he looked fairly gloomy when I got done." And I sez, "I don't wonder at that, I do myself. They're awful deprestin'."

He kep' it up till I sez: "William Shakespeare said there wuz Two Gentlemen of Verona, and I should be glad, Josiah Allen, to think you made the third one; but a true gentleman wouldn't make light of his pardner or slight her reminiscences." Sez he: "Reminescin' on a empty stomach is deprestin', and don't set well."

She come to our house one day, and Elder Minkley, good old soul, come in just after she did for a all-day's visit, poor creeter! I guess he wuz sorry enough he come, some of the time; I guess he wished he wuz back in his study perusin' the book of martyrs or anything else deprestin', and would have thought 'em fur livelier than what he got into.

Even Nony acted a trifle less bitter and austeer when he heard the news, and made the remark, "That he hoped that he would be happy." But there wuz a dark and shudderin' oncertainty and onbelief in his cold eyes as he said that "Hope" that wuz dretful deprestin' to me not to Mr. Freeman; no, that blessed creeter wuz too happy to be affected by such glacial congratulations as Nony Piddock's.

And like his dantless cry to his fearful pilot, so my soul echoed the same cry to my deprestin' fears: "Sail on, and on, and on," to the goal of our own desires. Our two quests wuz some different, he wuz seekin' a new continent and I an old Josiah. But I knowed the Atlantic breezes never blowed on two more determined and noble linements than hisen and mine.