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The law of June 7, 1906, and its amendment of March 2, 1907, accomplished what was desired in that respect, and the use of denatured alcohol, as intended, is making a fair degree of progress and is entitled to further encouragement and support from the Congress. The pure food legislation has already worked a benefit difficult to overestimate.

I had occasion in my message of May 4, 1906, to urge the passage of some law putting alcohol, used in the arts, industries, and manufactures, upon the free list that is, to provide for the withdrawal free of tax of alcohol which is to be denatured for those purposes.

At Dusseldorf the babies used to die as they do here when fed unclean milk. Herr Klingelhofer says that when fed on his product "sterben keine." This is submitted to those who advocate pasteurizing the milk. Denatured milk makes sickly babies. Clean natural milk makes healthy babies. The extra cost of less than two cents a quart is not prohibitive.

Children need a great deal of the natural salts, and when they live so largely on denatured foods there is always physical deterioration. It is true that to the average eye such children may appear healthy, but they are not in one-half as good physical condition as they could be. Tea and coffee should never be given to children. They are bad enough for adults.

The various spices and sauces irritate the digestive organs and create a craving for an excessive amount of food. The food should be changed as little as possible because such denatured foods as white flour, polished rice, pasteurized milk, and many of the canned fruits and vegetables are so lacking in the natural salts that they do not satisfy one's desire for organic salts. Overeating results.

I am told there are splendid prospects for the development of potash and denatured alcohol from the huge sagebrush fields of the state. The principal business of Reno consists of banks, hotels, shops and restaurants. The shops do the city credit; they are up-to-date and well kept, and you will find almost every kind of shop. The electrical stores display every new electrical device on the market.

Harding denatured him politically by giving him the one business department in the Cabinet. Even Hiram Johnson may come no longer to hate him. For his present task, besides his special knowledge, his remarkable industry, his tireless application to details, he has one great gift, his extraordinary talent for publicity. There is no one in Washington, not even Mr.

Tobacco was taken up with extraordinary rapidity by every race and clime, and the kerosene-lamp has in half a century penetrated the recesses of Central Asia and of China; whereas customs like Western dress and ideas like Western education encounter many setbacks and are often adopted with such modifications that their original spirit is denatured or perverted.

"Aw, look," Caswell complained, "I don't even know what a goricae is." "Of course you do. You just won't let yourself know." "I don't know. Tell me." "It would be better if you told me." "How can I?" Caswell raged. "I don't know!" "What do you imagine a goricae would be?" "A forest fire," Caswell said. "A salt tablet. A jar of denatured alcohol. A small screwdriver. Am I getting warm? A notebook.

Though alcohol may be profitably manufactured and sold at thirty cents per gallon, the government revenue stamp of $2.08 per gallon practically prohibits its use for many purposes. A step toward a wider application to industrial purposes has been taken by the law permitting the sale of so-called "denatured" alcohol without the tax for revenue.