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Next morning this generous man arrayed me in decent clothing, and continued during the whole period of my stay to treat me as if I had been his brother. I feel deeply grateful to him for his disinterested kindness. He not only attended to my wants, but also furnished food for my famishing party free of charge. They are built of wattle and daub, and surrounded by plantations of manioc, maize, etc.

In twelve years a grocer can earn enough to give him ten thousand francs a year; a painter can daub a mile of canvas and be decorated with the Legion of honor, or pose as a neglected genius.

"They daub themselves green with verdigris, or sit out in the rain to get rusted; but green and rust are not patina; only the ages can give that!" "And my imitations are all in primary colors, staring colors, hot as the colors of a hostelry's sign-board!" said the Lady of Meissen, with a shiver.

Choate's peculiar handwriting was as well known to his townsmen and neighbors, was as frequent a topic of observation and comment, as any of the traits of his mind and character. We need hardly add that this popular image which was called Mr. Choate resembled the real man about as much as a sign-post daub of General Washington resembles the head by Stuart.

Then Madame Goujet, for sole reproach, held his father's portrait before him, a daub of a painting hidden away at the bottom of a drawer; and, ever since that lesson, Goujet never drank more than was good for him, without however, any hatred of wine, for wine is necessary to the workman. On Sundays he walked out with his mother, who took hold of his arm.

He must have known that there were dark spots on his fame. He might also have felt with pride that the splendor of his fame would bear many spots. He would have wished posterity to have a likeness of him, though an unfavorable likeness, rather than a daub at once insipid and unnatural, resembling neither him nor anybody else. "Paint me as I am," said Oliver Cromwell, while sitting to young Lely.

"It baffles me to understand how anyone with eyes at all could think a daub like this was valuable that is strange enough; but how come these London people to have made an offer for it? I know the firm quite well; they are first-rate dealers." "There are some people," said the organist, "who can't tell `Pop goes the weasel' from the `Hallelujah Chorus, and others are as bad with pictures.

The Church was very small wattle and daub. It had done three years' service. 'No value, pronounced Julian. He was rather angry with such a mere shed for wasting his valuable time. 'That grass wants burning, he muttered. 'If you set a light to it and the Church catches, I shouldn't think there'll be any harm done. 'Right, said the bailiff. Julian stepped inside the building.

I used up all my ambiguous terms over that daub he bought in the Piazza di Spagna 'reminiscential' of half a dozen worthless things, 'suggestive, etc. I can't work them over again." Watkins was lugubrious. "Tell him the truth as straight as you can; it's the best medicine." I was Uncle Ezra's heir; naturally, I felt for the inheritance.

'Am I to take it that you are serious when you condemn Bouguereau's great picture as a croûte? Croûte, if I mistake not, is equivalent to the English daub? Our one-armed waiter, Pierre, had but awaited this crisis to come forward and receive our orders.