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Updated: August 22, 2024

"In their feverish exultations, In their triumph and their yearning, In their passionate pulsations, In their words among the nations The Promethean fire is burning." "But the glories so transcendent That around their memories cluster, And on all their steps attendant, Make their darken'd lives resplendent With such gleams of inward lustre." Many Canadian Settlements have had a military origin.

Pause upon thy pinion's flight; Be thy course to left or right, Be thou doom'd to soar or sink, Pause upon the awful brink. To avenge the deed expelling Thee untimely from thy dwelling, Mystic force thou shalt retain O'er the blood and o'er the brain. When the form thou shalt espy That darken'd on thy closing eye, When the footstep thou shalt hear That thrill'd upon thy dying ear,

The lady of his love re-entered there; She was serene and smiling then, and yet She knew she was by him beloved she knew, For quickly comes such knowledge, that his heart Was darken'd by her shadow; and she saw That he was wretched; but she saw not all. He took her hand, a moment o'er his face A tablet of unutterable thoughts Was traced, and then it faded as it came. Byron.

I observ'd only, which I take Notice of for those who have not read him, that when the Moon has but a small Part of his Body enlighten'd, that the Earth, the other Moon, has a proportionable Part of its Hemisphere visibly darken'd; I mean a Part in proportion to that of the Moon which is enlighten'd; and that both these Moons, of which ours is much the larger, mutually participate the same Light of the Sun, and the same Obscurity of the Eclipses, and mutually assist each other: For when the Moon is in Conjunction with the Sun, and its pars superior receives all the Light, then its inferior Hemisphere is enlighten'd by the Earth's reflecting the Rays of the Sun, otherwise it would be intirely dark; and when those two Planets are in Opposition, then that Part of the Earth which is deprived of the Rays of the Sun, is enlighten'd by a full Moon.

Yet who, in Fortune's summer-shine To waste life's longest term away, Would change that glorious dawn of thine, Though darken'd ere its noontide day! Be thine the tree whose dauntless boughs Brave summer's drought and winter's gloom. Rome bound with oak her patriots' brows, As Albyn shadows Wogan's tomb.

It may afford matter of Speculation to the Inquisitive, such as you, Prophilus, that as the Colours of outward Objects brought into a Darken'd Room, do so much depend for their Visibility upon the Dimness of the Light they are there beheld by; that the ordinary Light of the day being freely let in upon them, they immediately disappear: so our Tryals have inform'd us, that as to the Prismatical Iris painted on the Floor by the beams of the Sun Trajected through a Triangular-glass; though the Colours of it appear very Vivid ev'n at Noon-day, and in Sun shiny Weather, yet by a more Powerfull Light they may be made to disappear.

"To set as sets the morning star, which goes Not down behind the darken'd west, nor hides Obscured among the tempests of the sky, But melts away into the light of heaven." 'Oh, other people have thought the same thing, have they? That's always the case with my originalities they are original to nobody but myself. 'Not only the case with yours.

Far better were I laid in the dark earth, Not hearing any more his noble voice, Not to be folded more in these dear arms, And darken'd from the high light in his eyes, Than that my lord thro' me should suffer shame.

"But worse than that I've tri'd to do, When darken'd in my mind; I've tri'd to be a Deist too That nothing was divine. But O, good elders, pray for me! The worst is yet behind I've talk'd against the ministry, With malice in my mind. "O Lord forgive! for mercy's sake, And leave me not behind; For surely I was not awake, Else I had been consign'd.

Yet who, in Fortune's summer-shine To waste life's longest term away, Would change that glorious dawn of thine, Though darken'd ere its noontide day! Be thine the tree whose dauntless boughs Brave summer's drought and winter's gloom. Rome bound with oak her patriots' brows, As Albyn shadows Wogan's tomb.

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