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Some are covered from base to summit by this one species, with only a sparse growth of juniper on the lower slopes to break the continuity of its curious woods, which, though dark-looking at a distance, are almost shadeless, and have none of the damp, leafy glens and hollows so characteristic of other pine woods. Tens of thousands of acres occur in continuous belts.

A former resident of the neighborhood of Poughkeepsie thus describes the scene at that place, which will serve as a specimen of the conduct of the people along the entire river below Albany: "It was in the early autumn of the year 1807 that a knot of villagers was gathered on a high bluff just opposite Poughkeepsie, on the west bank of the Hudson, attracted by the appearance of a strange, dark-looking craft, which was slowly making its way up the river.

Dexter's eyes wandered from the doctor to a dark-looking bust upon the top of a book-shelf. From thence to a brown bust on the opposite shelf, at which he laughed, for though it was meant for Cicero, it put him greatly in mind of Mr Sibery, and he then fell a-wondering what the boys were doing at the workhouse school.

When they got over the bridge, Reginald turned round, and, imprinting a kiss on the pale cheek of the astonished bride, said "Welcome home, dear Jane. This is Belfront Castle!" Jane looked round a spacious courtyard, and saw a square of low dark-looking buildings, with the enormous tower she had seen from the top of the hill rearing its thick head above all at one corner.

I know where they will retreat to a defile close by we can have a chance at them on our return. "I forbore firing, though I certainly deemed the guanacos within shot, but the hunter was thinking of the more precious skin of the vicunas, and we passed on. I saw the guanacos run for a dark-looking cleft between two mountain spurs.

Bidlow's school; you have looked with reverence second only to that felt for the old village church upon its dark-looking, heavy brick walls. It seemed to be redolent of learning; and stopping at times to gaze upon the gallipots and broken retorts at the second-story window, you have pondered in your boyish way upon the inscrutable wonders of Science, and the ineffable dignity of Dr.

Sir John Fenwick behaved so ill, and quitted the house in such fury, and that dark-looking man who accompanied him back, used such threatening language towards my father, that indeed indeed, I feared for the consequences this morning."

She had already nearly reached the place of destination, when her carriage was surrounded by dark-looking men; she and her maids were bound, and neither entreaties, nor tears, nor the costly jewels that she carried with her, nor promise of much gold could save these hapless beings from the most disgraceful death.

In front of the former, and close to the water's edge, was a group of dark-looking men, making some signals which were answered by the mate of the Pandora. Other men were down in a long canoe that was riding upon the water, and some were getting into it, as if about to be rowed out to us.

After a ten minutes' struggle, Bill succeeded in reaching the dark-looking spot, where Colin had conjectured there might be shell-fish. The old sailor was soon seen busily engaged about something; and from his movements it was evident that his errand was not to prove fruitless.