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"It vas goin round so, und it vas more lighter yet as dot man here, und hees face vas more lighter too, und he valked mit stick all time und he don' go long mit hees head up, red in hees face like dis man here und dark in hees face too. Craikmile's son go all time limpin' so." Nels took a step to illustrate the limp of Peter Junior when he had seen him last.

"I vas goin' 'long mit der calf to eat it grass dere by Ballards' yard, und he vas goin' 'long mit hees cousin, Craikmile's son, und he vas walkin' slow for hees cousin, he don' got hees crutch dot day, he valk mit dot stick dere, und he don' go putty quvick mit it." Nels pointed to the heavy blackthorn stick lying on the table before the jury. "Were the two young men talking together?"

"What time?" "It vas Sunday morning I seen heem, talkin' mit her." "With whom was he talking?" "Oh, he talk mit Ballards' girl Mees Betty. Down by der spring house I seen heem go, und he kiss her plenty I seen heem." "You are sure it was the prisoner you saw? You are sure it was not Peter Craigmile, Jr.?" "Sure it vas heem I saw. Craikmile's son, he vas lame, und valk by der crutch all time.

"Do you see any other points of difference? Were the young men the same height?" "Yas, dey vas yust so high like each other, but not so vide out yet. Dis man he iss vider yet as Meester Craikmile's son, he iss got more chest like von goot horse Oh, I know by men yust de same like horses vat iss der difference yet." "Now you tell the court just what you saw the next day.

"By what marks do you know him? Why is he not the man he claims to be, the son of the plaintiff?" "Oh, I know heem all right. Meester Craikmile's son, he vos more white in de face. Hees hair vas more more I don' know how you call dot crooked on hees head yet." Nels put his hand to his head and caught one of his straight, pale gold locks, and twisted it about.

"No, dey don' speak much. I hear it he say, 'It iss better you valk by my arm a little yet, Peter, und Craikmile's son, he say, 'You go vay mit your arm, I got no need by it, like he vas little mad yet." "You say you saw him in the morning with Miss Ballard. Where were the family at that time?" "Oh, dey vas gone by der church already." "And in the evening where were they?"