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Updated: August 21, 2024

Hancock was a soldier, and was, moreover, the chief citizen of Massachusetts the command should go to him. Samuel Adams knew this could never be. To hold the Southern Colonies and give the cause a show of reason before the world, an aristocrat with something to lose, and without a personal grievance, must be chosen, and the man must be from the South.

Their names were household words in every cottage in New France, and many of them as frequently spoken of in the English Colonies as in the streets of Quebec.

They had heard too of the success of the American colonies in winning those rights for all in their happy country, beyond the Atlantic; and we may be sure that not a few of them had heard how, at the conclusion of the War of Independence, the chief officers of the American army had gone in state with their French allies to the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, there to join in thanksgiving to the Almighty, before a Catholic altar.

"Pardon me again, sir, but that is another contention I can hardly admit. You 'll never have them back, never, never!" "Oh, come, Miss Wilton," said another, "you surely do not think the colonies oh, well, the late colonies, if you will insist upon it can maintain a fight with the power of Great Britain, for any length of time! Why, madam, the English spirit "

Thus it was that on July 2, 1776, twelve colonies voted that "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, Free and Independent States." One week later, the New York deputies, having been properly instructed, cast the vote of their colony for the resolution also.

But it is not only the progress of ideas, and the conflict between two classes of different origin, which have induced the privileged castes to abandon their pretensions, or at least cautiously to conceal them. Aristocracy in the Spanish colonies has a counterpoise of another kind, the action of which becomes every day more powerful.

For that had he been condemned, and was now in flight flying to save not only his liberty but his life! yes, his life; for had the sentinels on those distant towers but recognised him, he would soon have been followed and dragged back to an ignominious death. Young reader, I am writing of things that occurred before the Spanish-American colonies became free from the rule of Old Spain.

The state sovereignty doctrine was not a mere political dogma but had its roots in history. It was an expression of the pride of the inhabitants of the Thirteen Colonies in their respective commonwealths. To them it stood for patriotism and traditions. These feelings the later immigrant neither shared nor understood.

This may be seen by examining it in three points of view: First, As it has been proved to arise on the continent of Africa in the course of reducing the inhabitants of it to slavery; Secondly, in the course of conveying them from thence to the lands or colonies of other nations; And Thirdly, In continuing them there as slaves.

This reciprocity did not extend to the possessions of the Hudson's Bay company, nor to the admission of American vessels into the harbors of the British North American colonies, nor to the navigation of the rivers of those colonies below the highest port of entry.

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