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McCartney, with his gangs, was blocking up the ends of the three doubtful spans. but boats adrift, if the flood chanced to be a high one, might endanger the girders; and there was a very fleet in the shrunken channel. "Get them behind the swell of the guard tower," he shouted down to Peroo. "It will be dead-water there. Get them below the bridge." "Heh! Listen to the Chota Sahib.

Kitty was angry and a little hurt, so I yielded from fear of provoking further misunderstanding, and we set out together towards Chota Simla. We walked a greater part of the way, and, according to our custom, cantered from a mile or so below the Convent to the stretch of level road by the Sanjowlie Reservoir.

It was still very wet this morning, but as it cleared somewhat after breakfast, we made up our minds to quit the Lolab and get back to our boat. Doras has sad memories for Jane, for here died the "chota murghi," a black chicken endowed with the most affectionate disposition.

The friend had a spite against Merriman Sahib, the merchant at Calcutta; and when the bibi and the chota bibi came down the river he seized them. Sinfray Sahib believes there was an attack by dacoits; but the bibi's peons were carried away by the sahib's friend: it was he that brought the evidence against them.

Poor dear, he has no amusement except this playing at shop-keeping. You are his only dissipation, and you will yet be his ruin!" "Whatever you may say, it is not right to be double-faced," I retorted. My sister-in-law laughed out in my face. "Oh, our artless little Chota Rani! straight as a schoolmaster's rod, eh? But a woman is not built that way.

The Oraons or Uraons of Chota Nagpur worship a goddess called Anna Kuari, who can give good crops and make a man rich, but to induce her to do so it is necessary to offer human sacrifices. In spite of the vigilance of the British Government these sacrifices are said to be still secretly perpetrated. The victims are poor waifs and strays whose disappearance attracts no notice.

Realizing that it was now hopeless to try to prevent a war, Martin hurried back to Chota, and removed his negroes, horses, and goods. Sevier's Crime. Sevier, heedless of Martin's remonstrances, hurried forward on his raid, with a hundred riders. He struck a town on Hiawassee and destroyed it, killing a number of the warriors. MSS., No. 150, vol. iii. Geo. MSS., No. 150, vol. iii, Thos.

But the Chickamaugas refused to make peace, and in their frequent and harassing forays they were from time to time joined by parties of young braves from all the Cherokee towns that were beyond the reach of Robertson's influence that is, by all save those in the neighborhood of Chota.

But no sooner was Thomas on his way again with the letters than there arrived a deputation of warriors from the Northern tribes from "the Confederate nations, the Mohawks, Ottawas, Nantucas, Shawanoes and Delawares" fourteen men in all, who entered the council hall of the Old Beloved Town of Chota with their faces painted black and the war belt carried before them.

My sister-in-law was about, with her brass pot, watering her plants. When she saw me passing in the distance she cried: "Have you heard the news, Chota Rani?" I stopped in silence, all in a tremor. It seemed to me that the rolls of sovereigns were bulging through the shawl.