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"He is certainly a strong bird," said one of the other passengers, looking on, too, from a safe distance. "Don't you think he'd better be killed, Officer?" "Oh, no! Oh, no!" chorused Russ and Rose. "Of course not. You're one of those folks, sir, that would kill an American eagle, too the bird that is supposed to represent the best fighting spirit of this country.

The floors of the house shook to tramplings, rushes, wrestlings, falls and collisions. The walls resounded to chorused bellowings and roars.

"I am an extremely selfish person who never bothers about such little things as mere 'taking turns. Now that four of you girls have your faces set toward wedding rings, it's high time something was done to console me. There! Resist that argument if you can. Am I a credit to my profession, or am I not?" "You are," chorused five laughing voices.

"Now be good, child'n," she said, in passing out, "and don't 'urt poor little Dumps." "Oh no," chorused the five, while, with faces of intense and real solemnity, they assured nurse that they would not hurt Dumps for the world. "We'll be so dood!" remarked Dolly, as the door closed and she really meant it. "What'll we do to him now?" asked Harry, whose patience was exhausted.

"It's one o' them swell joints out in the desert. Kind o' what folks East calls a waterin'-place. Eh, boys?" "That's her!" volleyed the group. "Kind o' select-like," continued the puncher. "Sure is!" they chorused. "Do you know what the job pays?" asked Sundown. "U-m-m-m, let's see. Don't know as I ever heard. But there'll be no trouble about the pay.

So pleased was I over the developments of last evening, that I telephoned all the powers that be, and arranged for an extension to our house party. Are you glad?" "Indeed we are," chorused the girls, and Uncle Jeff went on. "Now, our celebration is to be just whatever you want. And if you don't all want the same thing, you can all have different things. So just state your preferences."

"It's all for the best, it's all for the best," chorused the group. "Well, I'll be " gasped Jack. "Jack Payson you just ought to be ashamed of yourself," said Polly, stamping her foot. "You nasty, mean old thing," she threw in for good measure. Mrs. Allen led Echo from the room. The girls followed, crying "You nasty, mean old thing" to the unfortunate bridegroom.

But the one time I did have use for my arsenal made up for lost time." "Tell us about it, please," chorused the boys, and Mr. Melton smiled at their eagerness as he lit another perfecto. "Well," he began, "it was back in the old days before the time of the railroads, when stage coaches were the only carriers known.

Too long a wait too long." "But who will say your excellency has been to Monte Cristo?" "Oh, I shall not," cried Franz. "Nor I, nor I," chorused the sailors. "Then steer for Monte Cristo." The captain gave his orders, the helm was put up, and the boat was soon sailing in the direction of the island.

"When did I see them, is it? Bedad, what with sarvin up the liquor and keeping me counters dry and swate, I never see them at all." "That's so, Ross," chorused the crowd again, to whom the whole proceeding was delightfully farcical.