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"Is it an oak or an elm coffin ye want?" "Ah, thin, just a chape deal coffin, shure wid a few archangels on the lid." "Will ye want any trimmings?" "Arrah, what d'ye mane by trimmin's?" "Trimmings for the coffin." "Bad luck to yer trimmin's. What would I want wid them? Sure 'twas 'trimmin's' that kilt him!"

The people have plenty of fowls, and they too obtain shelter in these Troglodyte habitations. 23rd February, 1868. I was visited by an important chief called Chapé, who said that he wanted to make friends with the English. He, Chisapi, Sama, Muabo, Karembwé, are of one tribe or family, the Oanza: he did not beg anything, and promised to send me a goat. Riot in the camp.

Stones is plinty, and chape enough." "They're things you haven't the sellin' of then, I'll go bail," said old Felix. He spoke in resentment of the interruption, but Mr. Dooley took the speech as a flattering tribute to his business capacity, and acknowledged it with a good-humoured smirk.

"Say, Phil, ye know I cut the chape Neosho crowd last evening up to Rid Range fur that black-eyed little Irish girl they call Kathleen. So I came home afterwhoile behind you, not carin' to contaminate meself wid such a common set after me pleasant company at Rid Range." "Well, we managed to pull through without you, O'mie, but don't let it happen again.

The document, written in French, announced that the new state would be governed by a military dictatorship, that the royal standard was a yellow triangle on a red ground, and that the arms of the principality were "d'Or chape de Gueules." It pointed out naively that those who first settled on the island would be naturally the oldest inhabitants, and hence would form the aristocracy.

"Here's a letter for him, then, and twenty dollars to pay." "Musha! but it's chape postage," said Larry, lifting the curtain, and stepping out; "couldn't ye say thirty, now?" "Come, down with the cash, and none o' yer jaw," said the man, who was a surly fellow, and did not seem disposed to stand joking.

Mickey was thrown "all in a heap" for a minute or two, when he found how the case stood, and then he laughed to himself as he fully appreciated the situation. "Well, well, well, I feel as chape as Jerry McConnell when he hugged and kissed a gal for two hours, one evening, and found it was his wife, and she felt chaaper yet, for she thought all the time that it was Mickey O'Shaughnessy.

"But, Battersleigh, look here," said Franklin, "you talk of fifty dollars an acre. That's all nonsense why, that's robbery. Land is dear here at five dollars an acre." "Shure it is, Ned," said Battersleigh calmly. "But it's chape in England at fifty dollars." "Well, but " "An' that's not all. I wrote to thim to send me a mere matter of tin dollars an acre, as ivvidence a' good faith.

He hasn't got such a chape passage this toime as he expected; for he has been more'n half suffocated in the flour hogshead where he first stowed himself away; and, begorrah, to look at him now, with his black face all whitened, like a duchess powthered for a ball, and his woolly hid, and the blood all over him, as if he had been basted wid a shillelagh at Donnybrook Fair, why, his own mother wouldn't know him.

"Ye've got stirrin' times of it here intirely. Mister Ally Babby," said the tar, whose familiarity almost verged on impudence; "what betwane you an' the 40,000 thieves more or less in the town, I find it rare entertainment." "Yoos complimentary dis marnin'," returned the interpreter, with a smile. "It's always the way with me. I howld that purliteness is chape. Ye've heard the noos, I s'pose?"