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Updated: August 21, 2024

Oh, I saw her mincing with the spoon as if she was chewing sand. What do you say? "Who asked her to praise it? Like her impudence, I think! "Yes, a pretty day I've passed. I shall not forget this wedding-day, I think! And as I say, a pretty speech you made in the way of thanks. No, Caudle, if I was to live a hundred years you needn't groan, Mr.

No, sir, -no; you have no cause to say that. "You often fling that in my teeth, you do: but you know it's false, Caudle; you know it. I only want to give 'em proper notions of themselves: and what, indeed, CAN the poor things think when they see the Briggs's, and the Browns, and the Smiths and their fathers don't make the money you do, Caudle when they see them as fine as tulips?

No; there was a time when I was a fool and believed anything; but I thank my stars! I've got over that. "A bold minx! You suppose I didn't see her laugh, too, when she nodded to you! Oh yes, I knew what she thought me a poor miserable creature, of course. I could see that. No don't say so, Caudle.

Now, don't fling yourself about and begin to swear at marrow puddings; you know you like 'em, dear. "What a hand, too, dear mother has for a pie crust! But it's born with some people. What do you say? "Now, Caudle, that's cruel unfeeling of you; I wouldn't have uttered such a reproach to you for the whole world. Consider, dear; people can't be born as they like.

No I'm not a censorious woman, Mr. Caudle; quite the reverse. No; and you may threaten to get up, if you like I will speak. I know what colour is, and I say it WAS paint. I believe, Mr. Caudle, I once had a complexion though of course you've quite forgotten that: I think I once had a colour before your conduct destroyed it.

"Why, Mari, what is this?" she said, as the woman made a noiseless entrance with a bowl of hot caudle. "I knew how it would be," she answered, putting it into the hands of her mistress. "I am a desperate old rake, you mean, Mari. There, take your virtue off, you appall me." She poured the caudle into small silver tumblers, and gave them to us. "The Bequest of a Friend" was engraved on them.

"What? "Very well, Mr. Caudle; I don't care: let the children go in rags; let them stop from church, and grow up like heathens and cannibals, and then you'll save your money, and, I suppose, be satisfied. "What's five months ago to do with now? Besides, what I HAVE had is nothing to do with it. "What do you say?

Caudle, you shall ever have a key. I know you. Yes; you'd do exactly like that Prettyman, and what did he do, only last Wednesday? Why, he let himself in about four in the morning, and brought home with him his pot-companion, Puffy. His dear wife woke at six, and saw Prettyman's dirty boots at her bedside. And where was the wretch, her husband? Why, he was drinking downstairs swilling.

"Oh, if a woman could only know what she'd have to suffer before she was married Don't tell me you want to go to sleep! If you want to go to sleep, you should come home at proper hours! It's time to get up, for what I know, now. Shouldn't wonder if you hear the milk in five minutes there's the sparrows up already; yes, I say the sparrows; and, Caudle, you ought to blush to hear 'em.

I know she HAS followed you; and if you were to go before a magistrate, and take a shilling oath to the contrary, I wouldn't believe you. No, Caudle; I wouldn't. "Ha! what a heart you must have, to say 'very well'; and after the wife I've been to you. I'm to be brought from my own home dragged down here to the sea-side to be laughed at before the world don't tell me.

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