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"There, there! now, not too high, nor too low, Rebecca!" her thin, sharp voice echoes, as she works her shoulders, and permits her long fingers to wander over her cap-border. "When 'um got just so missus like, say-da he is!" mumbles the old negress in reply. "Well, well-a little that side, now " The negress moves the pillow a little to the left.

Grandma smiled all the time, just as happily as if she had heard everything that had been said. "There's something else," said Joel, emphatically, "but 'tisn't your guess. Now, Grandma," he held the bag close up to the old lady's cap-border, "look!" "My!" exclaimed the old lady. "What you got, Joel?" as he twitched away the bag.

Bardell, the crimson rising to her cap-border again. 'I do, said Mr. Pickwick, growing energetic, as was his wont in speaking of a subject which interested him 'I do, indeed; and to tell you the truth, Mrs. Bardell, I have made up my mind. 'Dear me, sir,'exclaimed Mrs. Bardell. 'You'll think it very strange now, said the amiable Mr.

Beatrice laughed, as she said: "Law, Ishmael! haven't you got over your habit of quoting your heroes yet? And have you really faith enough to hope that modern men will come up to their standard? Of course, George Washington was equal to every human duty from the conquering of Cornwallis to the crimping of a cap-border, if necessary! for he was a miracle!

Poor old Mrs. O'Reilly! She came to me this morning, and sat in my kitchen, and cried so bitterly, and talked in her strong Corkonian brogue, and rocked herself backwards and forwards, and shook abroad the great lambent banners of her cap-border, a grotesque old woman, but sacred in her tender motherhood and her great grief. Her first coming was to peddle blackberries in the summer.

Then, without trusting himself to look at them, he slammed the drawer quite tight, and leaning over Grandma, he put his mouth close to her cap-border where she lay snoring away. "I put 'em all back, Grandma," he whispered, "except four." Something made him glance up at the old clock.

She wipes and wipes her venerable spectacles, adjusts them piquantly over her small, wicked eyes, gives her elaborate cap-border a twitch forward, frets her finger nervously over the letter, and gets herself into a general state of confritteration.

So she put her ear close to Grandma's cap-border, and after a great deal of explaining on Mother Pepper's part, and as many interruptings on Grandma Bascom's, who wanted everything said over again, at last it was known that the court plaster lay between the leaves of the big Bible, on the stand under the old looking-glass between the windows.

"Oh, mammy's pretty well," shouted Polly into the old lady's ear; "and to-morrow's her birthday!" "To-morrow'll be a bad day!" said grandma. "Oh, don't never say that. You mustn't borrow trouble, child." "I didn't," said Polly; "I mean it's her birthday, grandma!" this last so loud that grandma's cap-border vibrated perceptibly. "The land's sakes 'tis!" cried Mrs.

Caddy was now the mother, and I the godmother, of such a poor little baby such a tiny old-faced mite, with a countenance that seemed to be scarcely anything but cap-border, and a little lean, long-fingered hand, always clenched under its chin. Whenever it was moved it cried, but at all other times it was so patient that the sole desire of its life appeared to be to lie quiet and think.