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This letter finds me in the trough of the wave. I wonder if it's what you call "the ennui of many dinners?" More likely it's because we can't keep our cottage at Sorrento. Well-a- day! it's gray this morning, and I will write off a fit of the blues. I think it's about time to marry number nine. It would relieve the family immensely. I suspect they think I have had my share of fun.

"I suppose you thought that when I galloped away to Bath that night it was on purpose to be married?" "I did at last not at first." he answered, somewhat surprised at the abruptness with which this new subject was broached. "And others thought so, too?" "Yes." "And you blamed me for it?" "Well-a little." "I thought so.

He stood for some minutes absorbed in reverie, and his soliloquy ran somewhat thus: "Why said the Vala that Edith's fate was inwoven with mine? And why did I believe and bless the Vala, when she so said? Can Edith ever be my wife? The monk-king designs her for the cloister Woe, and well-a- day! Sweyn, Sweyn, let thy doom forewarn me!

Of these was thy father, for as thou mayst well deem, he was nought backward in the fray; but despite his hurts, two in the side and one on the arm, he went home on his own feet, and we deemed that we had come to our above. But well-a- way! it was an evil victory, whereas in ten days he died of his hurts. God have his soul!

"There, there! now, not too high, nor too low, Rebecca!" her thin, sharp voice echoes, as she works her shoulders, and permits her long fingers to wander over her cap-border. "When 'um got just so missus like, say-da he is!" mumbles the old negress in reply. "Well, well-a little that side, now " The negress moves the pillow a little to the left.

The keeping of young girls was apparently one of the established customs of the "little brothers of the rich" and, for that matter, of many of the big brothers, also. A little later Montague had a curious glimpse into the life of this "half-world." He had occasion one evening to call up a certain financier whom he had come to know quite well-a man of family and a member of the church.