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"We can't row this boat, you chump!" "N-No, b-but one of us c-c-can t-take a line in the t-t-tender, and t-tow her." "They'll go three feet to our one." "That's all right," I said, "it's worth trying. We can keep away from them for a while. There's a breeze coming out of those clouds in a few minutes, and then we can sail around them in circles." I was anxious to get away.

I don't wonder hens like it up here, though it's scarey coming up. Don't you think so?" she asked, looking around upon the lofty mow with curious gaze. "S-s-scarey? Pooh! That's 'cause you're a girl. G-g-g-irls wasn't made to climb. B-boys were. I can climb first-rate. Yes, sir. I c-c-can climb anything. I can cl-cl-climb any tree in Aunt Eu-Eu-Eunice's woods.

Didn't understand a w-w-word, but saw that you c-c-can talk like a United States Senator." David bowed and blushed. "I came over to make you a p-p-proposition. Want you to yoke up with me, and help me sell the 'B-B-Balm of the Blessed Islands. You can do the t-t-talking and I'll run the b-b-business; see?"

But we're a peaceable crowd, you know; that's one of the leading rules in the constitution of the Ranger Boys' Club." "Yes," chuckled Bandy-legs, "we're set on having peace even if we have to fight for it." "Well," put in Toby, aggressively, "all I c-c-can s-s-say is, they'd b-b-better think twice before t-t-trying to bother our crowd. We're only b-boys, but we've got rights."

Leaning forward, his blue eyes took on an earnestness which effectually dispelled all notion of vanity in their possessor, demanding: "C-c-c-could you do it? C-c-can you? W-w-w-wi-will you?" "Yes, I might, could, would, and should if you'd go find my brass bound box!" "Cross your heart, honest Injun, h-h-hope to d-d-die?" "No. Neither one. Just plain 'Yes. I know a way.

C-c-can I stand it without breaking down and giving myself away? The train was over and off of the bridge by now. Warned by a light burning between the rails, the engineer brought the train to a standstill. His heart bounding with a cowards hope, turnback Haynes leaped down to the roadbed. Breathlessly he rushed along the side of the train.

As for drowning it really doesn't matter.... In the midst of life we are in Long Island.... And, if it is there I c-c-can c-capture it for the B-B-Bronx "