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This word was known only to the head of the bank and the cashier, each of whom had also a key to the safe. In a fortress like this, a person could deposit more diamonds than the Duke of Brunswick's, and sleep well assured of their safety. But one danger seemed to threaten, that of forgetting the secret word which was the "Open sesame" of the safe.

You will find the House of Cassel the house of gladness; for Hanau is already, or must be soon, delivered of its French guests. The Prince of Brunswick's victory is, by all the skillful, thought a 'chef d'oeuvre', worthy of Turenne, Conde, or the most illustrious human butchers.

The primaries were to begin on the 27th of August, those for Paris on the 2d of September; the meeting of electors for nominating the deputies of Paris was to take place on the 5th of September. Meanwhile Brunswick's columns were making steady, methodical progress through the hills of Lorraine, through the frontier belt of fortresses.

I'm told the town has been vastly improved by the Duke of Brunswick's legacy. I've not seen it in later years." "Miss Delande is a Genevese," remarked the host. "I congratulate you, Mademoiselle," politely said the Major. "It is a famous city to date from."

They gave him in consequence, as I said, the command of the William, a new brig just off the stocks. I understood also, from my people, that four of the Brunswick's crew had found him out, and shipped with him; and the night before he sailed another very suspicious-looking character shipped aboard, and, as the vessel went out of harbour, was seen doing duty as mate.

But, if these pacific measures are ineffectual, and it appears the only way to safety lies through fields of blood, I know you will not turn your faces from our foes, but will undauntedly press forward until tyranny is trodden under foot, and you have fixed your adored goddess, Liberty, fast by a Brunswick's side, on the American throne." These were fearless words, and full of meaning.

Sally, who it will be remembered had not been taken into the confidence of the intriguers, laughed. Patricia was the only one who appeared to be unmoved by the announcement, but she kept her eyes fixed upon the face of her friend, and she correctly interpreted the changing colors and expressions of Beatrice Brunswick's face.

Two years later, the Prince of Brunswick's younger brother went to Naples to visit him, and there he happened upon a domestic scene which gives us a pretty notion of Piccinni's home life. "He surprised Piccinni in the midst of his family, and was amazed at the tableau.

In the meantime Neptune has despatched Fame to bear the intelligence to the Duke, who is dancing at Brussels. The whole army is put in motion. The Duke of Brunswick's horse speaks to admonish him of his danger, but in vain. Picton, the Duke of Brunswick, and the Prince of Orange, engage Ney at Quatre Bras. Ney kills the Duke of Brunswick, and strips him, sending his belt to Napoleon.

Far different seemed the prospects of democracy in Europe on the eve of that battle; and far different would have been the present position and influence of the French nation, if Brunswick's columns had charged with more boldness, or the lines of Dumouriez resisted with less firmness.