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Sometimes when the blood pressure cannot be reduced, in these cases without apparent organic lesions, and thyroid treatment is more or less successful, but at the same time causes great excitation, it may be combined with bromid medication, and then the benefit is sometimes very great.

The drug may be discontinued after a few days, if the conditions improve. If the bromid, except in large doses, will not cause sleep, a sufficient dose of chloral should be given. Chloral is one of the most satisfactorily acting drugs which we have to produce sleep and to cause cardiac rest.

It is often slowed in connection with Cheyne-Stokes respiration. It may be very slow after apoplexy, and when there are brain tumors. It is often much slowed in narcotic poisoning, especially in opium, chloral and bromid poisoning. Serious toxemia from alcohol may cause a heart to be very slow. It is more likely, however, to cause a heart to be rapid, unless there is actual coma.

She was chloroformed once and the sneezing ceased, but was more violent on recovery therefrom. Ammonium bromid in half-drachm doses, with rest in bed for psychologic reasons, checked the sneezing. Woakes presented a paper on what he designated "ear-sneezing," due to the caking of cerumen in one ear.

It is not necessary or advisable to continue the bromid very long. Whatever general tonic or eliminative treatment the patient, requires should be given. The value of hydrotherapy, massage and graded exercise should not be forgotten.

This treatment consisted in dressing the cord with iodoform powder and antiseptic wool, the breast-feeding of the baby from the first, and the administration of one-grain doses of potassium bromid at short intervals. The infant death-rate on the island of St. Kilda has, consequently, been much reduced. The author suggests the use of a new iodin-preparation called loretin for dressing the cord.

Would it be too bromid. to say I wish you were here? I put out my hand in the darkness, & yours wasn't there. My dear, my dear, how desolate Oh you understand it only too well with your supercilious grin & your superior eye-glasses & your beatific Oxonian ignorance of poor eager America. I suppose I am just a barbarous Californian kiddy.

There was no pain, no illness, and she seemed amused at her condition. There was no derangement of the sexual or other organs and no account of an hysteric spasm. Potassium bromid and belladonna were administered for a few days with negative results, when the attacks of yawning suddenly turned to sneezing. One paroxysm followed another with scarcely an interval for speech.

If for any reason morphin is contraindicated, and if pain is not a symptom, the patient's nerves may be quieted and rest may be given by sodium bromid, or by veronal-sodium, the dose of the former being 2 gm.

Atropin should not be given, as it may increase the cardiac disturbance. If an attack lasts more than an hour or so, one of the best treatments is the bromids, which should be given either by potassium or sodium bromid in a dose of 2 or 3 gm.