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To Captain Singleton the man of science had decreed the palm of docility, on such occasions, and Captain Lawton he had fairly blackballed.

The last-mentioned lawyer challenged Mr. Longueville Clarke. Mr. Longueville Clarke refused to fight, on the ground that his opponent had been guilty of hugging attorneys. The Bengal Club accordingly blackballed Longueville. This, and some other similar occurrences, have made the opposition here thoroughly ridiculous and contemptible.

For the first time, an old and passionate ambition prevailed against the thrall of the moment. "One of the papers this morning," she said eagerly, "suggested that you might be offered a peerage." "I saw it," he acknowledged. "It was in the Sun. I was once unfortunate enough to be on the committee of a club which blackballed the editor." Her mouth hardened a little.

Concerning Bowyer, Coleridge did not talk much, but chiefly wrote; concerning Bell, he did not write much, but chiefly talked. Concerning Ball, however, he both wrote and talked. It was in vain to muse upon any plan for having Ball blackballed, or for rebelling against Bell. Think of a man, who had fallen into one pit called Bell; secondly, falling into another pit called Ball. This was too much.

Yes, and their friends, the men. There was a Tommy society in Mayfair that winter, nearly all of the members eminent or beautiful, and they held each other's hands. Both sexes were eligible, married or single, and the one rule was something about sympathy. It afterwards became the Souls, but those in the know still call them the Tommies. They blackballed Mrs.

His candidacy had been posted. Under these conditions he did not dare advise him to withdraw; it would be taking too great a responsibility. If he were blackballed it would be very disagreeable. He finished by praying her to write and to return soon. Having read this letter, she tore it up gently, threw it in the fire, and calmly watched it burn. Doubtless, he was right.

I notice among them a song from The Bohemian Girl. It bears the title of Then You'll Remember Me. Poor old Peter! For when I play it, I know I'll always be thinking of another man. Sunday the Fifth Life is a club from which Cupid can never be blackballed. I notice that Struthers, who seems intent on the capture of a soul-mate, has taken to darning Whinstane Sandy's socks for him.

One matter lies somewhat heavy on my heart and damps my mirth, that in my little book I said of our noble fish the trout that his name was of a German offspring. This is a gladsome thing for me to know, and moreover I am bounden to tell you that the house committee of our little angling club along Styx hath blackballed all German members henceforward.

Men like James Eustis and Judge Mayne despised Inglesby but gave him a wide berth. They wouldn't be enmeshed. It was known that Major Appleby Cartwright had blackballed him. "I can stand a man, suh, that likes to get along in this world within proper bounds. But Inglesby hasn't got any proper bounds.

"Oh, Fenton again," Bently exclaimed impatiently. "What did you bring him up for? Who the devil would have thought Fenton would have turned out so?" "I can tell you a piece of news," said Rangely. "The Election Committee blackballed Calvin this afternoon." "Good!" cried they all; and some body added: "But Fenton said he'd resign if Calvin wasn't elected."