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The expression "crocodile's tears" has passed into common use, and it therefore may be worth while noting the probable origin of this myth. Shakespeare, with that wide extent of knowledge which enabled him to draw similes from every department of human thought, says that "Gloster's show Beguiles him, as the mournful crocodile With sorrow snares relenting passengers."

For I was on the spot, and I know the route by which he reached Dark Hollow and also through whose agency the stick came to be there. Read, and learn with what tricks the devil beguiles us men.

Another method that modern artists have sometimes adopted in painting sacred subjects, is to imitate the faulty drawing and incomplete representation of life which are present in the art of the Old Masters. But this conscious imitation of bygone ignorance beguiles no one who has once felt the charm of the painters before Raphael.

Should you light a cigarette, mine host will touch you on the "arrum" and remind you that the proprieties are menaced. "Antonio" entices and beguiles from fiery legend without, but "O'Riley" teaches decorum within. It was at this restaurant that Lorison first saw the girl.

Did you not hear her lament because the man was dead? It is indeed the devil that beguiles you. Gaudiosus bent his head, and pondered anxiously. 'Tell me, he said at length, 'all her story, that I may compare it with what I have heard from her own lips. Slowly at first, and confusedly, with hesitations, repetitions, long pauses, Basil recited the history of Veranilda, so far as he knew it.

When out of occupation, he for a while tried farming, the Utopian employment that most often beguiles the imagination of the inbred seaman in occasional weariness of salt water; but, as his biographer justly remarks, his mind, which allowed him to be happy only when active, could ill accommodate itself to pursuits that almost forbade exertion.

It is made up of the revengeful artifices of Hecuba, the blind avarice of Polymestor, and the paltry policy of Agamemnon, who, not daring himself to call the Thracian king to account, nevertheless beguiles him into the hands of the captive women.

A curst witch beguiles the handsome idiot poor darling lad that he is! She has him can I tell you how? She has got him got him fast! The nature of the chains are doubtless innocent, if those which a woman throws round us be ever distinguishable. He loves his wife he is not a monster." "He appears desperately feverish," said Merthyr. "Did you not notice it?

She is a female, not at all of the showy order, which beguiles so many understandings through the eyes an insignificant and mean person, with an ordinary face, not at all exhibiting manners superior to her appearance, yet certainly of the most superb ambition in the art of tricking the World. Where she began her adventures first, remains to be developed by future biography.