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But faith in Christ should keep them from rushing rashly out against a book that Christ professed to live up to and came to fulfill. This battle of the scholars over the truth of the Bible is only being fought. We have no wish that it should not be fought.

The man found also that Success brought cares greater than he had ever known in the days of his struggle. Always there are cares that wait at the end of the battle and attend only upon the victor. Always there are responsibilities that come only when the victory is won that are never seen in the heat of the conflict.

He could rely upon the troops he himself had brought, but had no confidence in those of the League; and when Henry sent him a formal challenge to a general engagement, Parma replied that it was his custom to refuse combat when a refusal seemed advantageous for himself, and to offer battle whenever it suited his purpose to fight.

"And what of this last engagement?" asked the Grand Duke, through whose compressed lips the words could scarcely pass. "It was more than an engagement, your Highness," answered Ogareff; "it was a battle." "A battle?"

They were in league with it. They helped it everywhere. "Why don't you sleep, dear?" It was her husband now who played the rôle of nurse, tending her little wants with an honest care that at least aped the services of love. He was so utterly unconscious of the raging battle he had caused. "What is it keeps you so wide awake and restless?" "The winds," she whispered in the dark.

But for every one of them, ye were "the resistance of the obtuse world," which Goethe calls by its name in his epilogue to the Bell; for all of them ye were the grumbling imbeciles, or the envious bigots, or the malicious egoists: in spite of you each of them created his works, against you each directed his attacks, and thanks to you each prematurely sank, while his work was still unfinished, broken and bewildered by the stress of the battle.

But when Moses had celebrated this festival for the victory, he permitted the Hebrews to rest for a few days, and then he brought them out after the fight, in order of battle; for they had now many soldiers in light armor.

Do you remember my doing so?" "I dare say you did, sir." "I did, and I will now read your answer. We shall give to the jury a copy of the proceedings of that trial, my lord, when we have proved it, as of course we intend to do." And then there was another little battle between the barristers.

By John Lothrop Motley History of the United Netherlands, 1586 Military Plans in the Netherlands The Elector and Electorate of Cologne Martin Schenk His Career before serving the States Franeker University founded Parma attempts Grave Battle on the Meuse Success and Vainglory of Leicester St.

One of the best of his histories is that which describes the life of Harald Haardraade, who, after manifold adventures by land and sea, now a pirate, now a mercenary of the Greek emperor, became King of Norway, and eventually perished at the battle of Stanford Bridge, whilst engaged in a gallant onslaught upon England.