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But there's a pipe at your service in my room." "Dr. Medlicott is coming," said Babie, who had tarried behind the Johns, "and perhaps Mr. Grinstead, and we are sure to have Mr. Esdale's photographs. It is never all students, medical or otherwise. Much better than Allen's smoke, Cecil." "I am coming of course," he said. "I was only waiting for the Infanta."

"Having done with swaddling bands, eh, Infanta?" said Lord Fordham, while Armine hastily sketched in pen and ink, Babie, with her hair flying and swaddling bands off, executing a war-dance. She did not like it. "For shame, Armine! Don't you know how dreadful it is to lose dear Miss Ogilvie?"

It was to go into the "Traveller's Joy," a manuscript magazine, the "first number of which was being concocted and illustrated amongst the Leukerbad party, for the benefit of Babie and Sydney Evelyn. As a foretaste, Johnny produced from the bag he still carried strapped on his shoulder, a packet of acrostics addressed to Miss Barbara Brownlow, and a smaller envelope for Janet.

The poor girl's nerves proved to have been much disturbed; she besought Barbara to sleep with her, and was haunted by fears of pursuit and capture, and Gilbert claiming her after all. She kept on starting, clutching at Babie, and requiring to be soothed till far on into the night, and then she slept so soundly that no one had the heart to wake her.

He said Babie had a prejudice against Miss Parsons; and he was so far right that the Infanta did not like her, thought her a humbug, and sorely felt that for the first time something had come between herself and Armine. Allen was another trouble. He did not agree to the retrenchments, in which he saw no sense, and retained his horse and groom.

"Babie," said her mistress, "offer some bread and honey to the Lord Keeper and Miss Ashton; they will excuse your awkwardness if you use cleanliness and despatch."

She asked leave to write and thank him, and in return his mother wrote to hers, "Duke is much gratified by the dear Infanta's note. He would like to write to her unless he knows you would not object." To which Caroline replied, "Let him write whatever he pleases to Barbara. I am sure it will only be what is good for her." Indeed Babie had been by many degrees quieter since her return.

"Mother dear, I don't think you ought. We are trained to it, you see, and it is part of our vocation, besides, Janet has a call. But your nursing would not make much difference, and besides, you don't belong only to us- Armine and Babie need their home. And suppose poor Bobus came back. No, I am accountable to them all.

"I shall miss her dreadfully," said Babie," and I think it is very stupid of her to leave mother, whom she has known all her life, and all of us, for a strange man she never saw till four months ago." "Oh, Babie, you to be the author of a chivalrous romance!" said Fordham. "I was young and silly then," said the young lady, who was within a month of sixteen.

Babie drew a long breath, and said "I'm glad! It was so horrid! You'll not let him do it any more?" "Then you decidedly would not like it?" returned her mother. "Like it? Poor Duke! Mother! As if I could ever!