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Updated: August 13, 2024

Mistoo Itchlin, you would be aztonizh to know 'ow bad I want some money, in fact; exceb that I am too pwoud to dizclose you that state of my condition!" He paused and looked from John to Mary, and from Mary to John again. "Why, I'll declare," said Richling, sincerely, dropping forward with his chin on his hand, "I'm sorry to hear" But Narcisse interrupted.

'Consistency, thou awt a jew'l. It's juz as the povvub says, 'All work an' no pay keep Jack a small boy. An' yet," he hurriedly added, remembering his indebtedness to his auditor, "'tis aztonizhin' 'ow 'tis expensive to live. I haven' got a picayune of that money pwesently! I'm aztonizh' myseff!" The plague grew sated and feeble.

I stay in, in fact. I stay at my 'ouse to light' those egspenze'!" They were all agreed that expenses could be lightened thus. "And by making believe you don't want things," said Mary. "Ah!" exclaimed Narcisse, "I nevvah kin do that!" and Richling gave a laugh that was not without sympathy. "But I muz tell you, Mistoo Itchlin, I am aztonizh at you." An instant apprehension seized John and Mary.

Seveeah continue my sala'y whilce I'm gone. no matteh the len'th. Me, I don' care, so long the sala'y continue, if that waugh las' ten yeah! You ah pe'haps goin' ad the ball to-nighd, Mistoo Itchlin? I dunno 'ow 'tis I suppose you'll be aztonizh' w'en I infawm you that ball wemine me of that battle of Wattaloo! Did you evva yeh those line' of Lawd By'on,

I assu' you, Doctah, that is a p'oposition moze enti'ly to my satizfagtion; faw I am suffe'ing faw a smoke, and deztitute of a ciga'ette! I am aztonizh' 'ow I did that, to egshauz them unconsciouzly, in fact." He received the advertisement in an envelope, whipped his shoes a little with his handkerchief, and went out.

The negs time you call, Mistoo Itchlin, you muz not be too much aztonizh to fine me gone from yeh. Yesseh. He's got to haugment me ad the en' of that month, an' we 'ave to-day the fifteenth Mawch. Do you smoke, Mistoo Itchlin?" He extended a package of cigarettes. Richling accepted one. "I smoke lawgely in that weatheh," striking a match on his thigh. "I feel ve'y sultwy to-day.

He glanced so suddenly at two or three street lads, who were the only on-lookers, that they shrank back a step. "Mistoo Itchlin," began Narcisse, once more, in a tone of polite dismay, "you aztonizh me. I assu' you, Mistoo Itchlin" Richling lifted his finger and shook it. "Don't you tell me that, sir! I will not be an object of astonishment to you! Not to you, sir! Not to you!"

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