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"And why with the exception of Jeanie, may I ask?" There was a touch of asperity in Mr. Lorimer's voice. He had been badly browbeaten, and for some reason he had had to submit. But he was in no docile mood thereafter. Tudor heard the note of resentment in his tone, and came back to the hearth. "I have been awaiting a suitable opportunity to talk to you about Jeanie," he said. "What next?

He showed wonderful patience and dignity, and though he sometimes let some asperity find expression in his replies, he never let them degenerate into retorts.

"I do not entirely understand you" answered Santoris, coldly "But if you mean that I am not a lover of women in the plural you are right." "Perhaps of the one woman the one rare pearl in the deep sea" hinted Dr. Brayle, unabashed. "Come, you are getting too personal, Brayle," interrupted Mr. Harland, quickly, and with asperity "Santoris, your health!"

Such eyes, Maggie, and the slimmest, most wonderful figure you ever saw!" "Who was the cat?" Maggie enquired with asperity. "She is Russian. Her name is Naida Karetsky. Karschoff introduced me." Maggie was suddenly serious. There was just a trace of the one expression he had never before seen in her face fear lurking in her eyes, even asserting itself in her tone. "Naida Karetsky?" she repeated.

"I haven't been nibbling at life this time," I retorted with some touch of asperity. "I didn't instruct you to gluttonize," he reminded me. I gave him only a partial history.

"I should like," said Michael, colouring painfully, for he knew he was going to hurt Wentworth, "I should like to go to Lostford; not for long, just for a little bit." "Lostford!" exclaimed Wentworth, amazed. "Lostford, down in that hole. Oh! no." "Well, and why not Lostford?" said the doctor with asperity. "Mr. Carstairs shows his sense. He is not up to a long journey. Quite near.

To this the marshal replied, by throwing the blame on Pizarro's brothers; but, although the governor reprimanded them with some asperity for their violence, it was soon evident that his sympathies were on their side, and the dangers of a feud between the two associates seemed greater than ever.

She had scarcely recovered from her waking crossness yet, and found herself more irritated than amused at the eccentricities of her guest. She was wondering with unusual asperity why a man with such lack-lustre blue eyes dared to wear a tie of such brilliant contrast. He interrupted her musings. "Miss Harned seems mighty stand-offish these days."

Douglas's attitude in inventing the peculiar phraseology in the Kansas-Nebraska Act which to some seemed as if expressly "made to order" for the Dred Scott decision was criticized with asperity; the popularity, however, of his courageous stand against President Buchanan on the Lecompton fraud, seemed to make it certain that, his term in the United States Senate being about to expire, he would be overwhelmingly re-elected to that body.

Here lay his inconsistency, not in abandoning democratic principles, for he had never held them, but in forgetting his own rules that nations act from adequate motives relative to their interests, and not from metaphysical speculation; that we cannot draw an indictment against a whole people; that there is a species of hostile justice which no asperity of war wholly extinguishes in the minds of a civilised people.