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But the evening post brought him a letter from the architect's head clerk, saying that Mr was ill, had not been to the office for the last three or four days, and would not be able to go down to Sussex again before the end of the month.

The windows are covered with thin architect's paper, which is very transparent. This frame is put over the forearm in such a way that the paper in the window comes over the markings made on the arm. The markings show through very clearly, and the points are copied on the paper.

It had taken me, however, at least five times as long to measure the distances with my eyes as it would have done to measure them with the calipers, and I saw no advantage in the longer and more painful effort. The measurements are mere preparations for the artist's true work, and are, like the surveyor's lines, preparatory to the architect's labor.

Thanks to the architect's foresight, to Mastor's practised hand, and to the numbers of men employed in the palace who were accustomed to all kinds of service provision was soon made for the night, for Hadrian and his companions.

Taking up, some years ago, a tuft of grass growing at the foot of one of the grand marble columns of the Parthenon at the Acropolis at Athens, I found a compass mark in the footing, or foundation a mere scratch in the stone made, probably, by some architect's assistant, before the Christian era.

A person recognises pots, jars and the like, as things produced, and therefrom infers the constructive skill and knowledge of their maker; when, after this, he sees for the first time a kingly palace with all its various wonderful parts and structures, he concludes from the special way in which the parts are joined that this also is an effected thing, and then makes an inference as to the architect's manifold knowledge and skill.

'The other architect's design and Mr. Havill's are exactly equal in merit, and we cannot decide how to give it to either, explained Charlotte. 'That is our difficulty, Paula murmured. 'A bankrupt, and his wife ill dear me! I wonder what's the cause. 'He has borrowed on the expectation of having to execute the castle works, and now he is unable to meet his liabilities.

Ask the tall sculptor there behind the screens, at what hour Balbilla is to sit to him for her bust. We must also inspect the architect's work, and that of the Alexandrian artists by daylight; that, their zeal has well deserved."

This tendency to fall back on manner greatly acquired indeed, but no longer consonant with the actual mood, which is really too vacant of import to parade such importance, is often a fault of natures whose native means of expression is the thin line, the geometer's precision, the architect's foresight in measurement.

Pontius ground his teeth, and then said very earnestly: "Balbilla seems to me a merry-hearted girl, but of a noble nature. I see no reason to laugh at her." Hadrian looked keenly into the daring architect's eyes, laid his hand on his shoulder, and replied with a certain threatening accent in his deep voice: "It would be an evil moment for you, or for any one, who should do so in my presence.