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Updated: August 29, 2024

Folds of it pass between the several divisions of the brain and serve to protect them. The arachnoid is a thin membrane which lies beneath the dura mater. It secretes a serous fluid which keeps the inner surfaces moist. The pia mater is a very delicate, vascular membrane which covers the convolutions, dips into all the fissures, and even penetrates into the interior of the brain.

A flower-bud is something so innocent and childlike; and to disguise oneself as such for purposes of murder and rapine argues the final abyss of arachnoid perfidy. It reminds one of that charming and amiable young lady in Mr.

On the 'post-mortem' examination, a remarkable thickness of the meninges was found on almost the whole of the left lobe of the brain. The dura mater, the two leaves of the arachnoid membrane, and the pia mater did not constitute more than one membrane of the usual thickness, and presented a somewhat yellow colouring.

The dura, or dura mater, a thick, dense, and tough membrane which lines the bony cavities and forms supporting partitions. The pia, or pia mater, a thin, delicate membrane, containing numerous blood vessels, that covers the surface of the brain and cord. The arachnoid, a membrane of loose texture, that lies between the dura and the pin.

The sac is completely closed, so that no communication exists between the serous cavity and the parts in its neighborhood. The various serous membranes are the pleura which envelops the lungs; the pericardium which surrounds the heart; the peritoneum which invests the viscera of the abdomen, and the arachnoid in the spinal canal and cranial cavity.

You see they are a great deal bigger and stronger than the males, and they are always hungry and not always particularly anxious to have one of the other sex bothering round. Woman's rights! said I, there you have it! Why don't those talking ladies take a spider as their emblem? Let them form arachnoid associations, spinsters and spiders would be a good motto. The Master smiled.

The opium-eater may be known by his attenuated body, withered yellow countenance, stooping posture, and glassy, sunken eyes. Post-Mortem Appearances. Not characteristic. Turgescence of cerebral vessels. There may be effusion under arachnoid, into ventricles, at base of the brain, and around the cord. Rarely extravasation of blood. Stomach and intestines usually healthy. Lungs gorged, skin livid.

One of them, of the size of a small nutmeg, occupied the left ventricle; the other, which was still smaller, was found at the base of the right ventricle. The chest of one of them enclosed a small quantity of serosity; a similar fluid was between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane, and the same was the case in the larger ventricles of the encephalon.

If the dura mater be penetrated, and the arachnoid cavity be opened, then there will be in all probability a very considerable extravasation of blood, and by this time, doubtless, serious inflammation of all the surrounding tissues.

You see they are a great deal bigger and stronger than the males, and they are always hungry and not always particularly anxious to have one of the other sex bothering round. Woman's rights! said I, there you have it! Why don't those talking ladies take a spider as their emblem? Let them form arachnoid associations, spinsters and spiders would be a good motto. The Master smiled.

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