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The girl was so efficient that she almost deserved her success. It cost her something, though, to beguile a waiter with intimate appeals that she might earn a title. But then in time of war no ally is to be scorned and the lowliest recruit is worth enlisting. A Christian can piously engage a Turk to help him whip another Christian.

And this is but one of many instances in point that might be cited. In his productions you often meet golden sentences of soberest counsel, beautiful tributes to real worth, stirring appeals for the oppressed, and touching eulogies of the loved and lost. Thus much of the history and machinery of Punch. His salutary influence is to be spoken of next.

Such things may be, but if any heedless creature once enters in, it never comes out. All the wires which could be pulled to induce action on the captain's part were tried; appeals were made to the secret interested motives that always come into play in such cases; they worked on Castanier's hopes and on the weaknesses and vanity of human nature.

They issued appeals, circulated petitions, and had hearings before the Convention. Mrs. Russell Sage, Mrs. Henry M. Sanders, Mrs. Edward Lauterbach, Mrs.

He had no doubt his appeals for more troops would be honored, in view of his strenuous representations, but the day passed without assurance to that effect and without a wired word to say his action regarding Mrs. Hay had been approved. It began to worry him. At 3 P. M. Mrs. Hay sent and begged him to call upon her that she might assure and convince him of her innocence.

You are called the masters of the world; yet there is no clod of earth that you can call your own." The proposal, which was ushered in by these stirring appeals, seemed at first sight to be of a moderate and somewhat conservative character.

Hilda! he cried aloud in his solitude, 'what would you have me do, if you knew all, if you knew me, if you knew my heart! When a man appeals against his love to the woman who loves him, his resolutions are at their last gasp for existence. Hilda answered his heart before the spoken words were out of his mouth.

And his mind traveled to the unpretentious little book on the table in his room on Indiana Avenue. "The feature that appeals to me most strongly is that you have been able to get the cooperation of the men," continued Compton "that's what I feared that they wouldn't accept your suggestions. How did you do it?" "I showed them how they could turn out more work and make more money by my plan.

The reserve which Sir Donald's adroit appeals fail to remove yields to that childish clamor, coercive as brooding of halcyon when the wind is still.

Within the States only will it be applied, and, of course, for their benefit, it not being presumable that such appeals as were made to the benevolence of the country in the instances of the inhabitants of St. Domingo and Caracas will often occur. How, then, shall this revenue be applied? Should it be idle in the Treasury?