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Hear it again, warriors of the Goths! 'Not that song! roared the Amal, stopping his ears with both his hands. 'Will you drive us blood-mad again, just as we are settling down into our sober senses, and finding out what our lives were given us for? 'Hear the song of Asgard! On to Asgard, wolves of the Goths! shouted another; and a babel of voices arose.

The craven hound! said the Amal, stopping short, 'I won't help him! But in an instant Wulf rushed forward, and struck right and left; the monks recoiled, and Philammon, burning to prevent so shameful a scandal to the faith to which he still clung convulsively, sprang into the chariot and caught Orestes in his arms.

Men we have one thing to do. The Amal must not go to the Valhalla without fair attendance. 'Not the poor girls? said Agilmund, who took for granted that Wulf would wish to celebrate the Amal's funeral in true Gothic fashion by a slaughter of slaves. 'No.... One of them I saw behave this very afternoon worthy of a Vala.

'I wish to deliver my sister, a Christian, from the sinful embraces of an Arian heretic; and deliver her I will, or die! 'An Arian? laughed the Amal. 'Say a heathen at once, and tell the truth, young fool! Will you go with him, Pelagia, and turn nun in the sand-heaps?

'Ay, said the Amal, 'something like nothing one ever saw in one's life, all stark mad and topsy-turvy, like one's dreams when one has been drunk; something grand which you cannot understand, but which sets you thinking over it all the morning after. 'Well, said Goderic, 'my mother was an Alruna-woman, so I will not be the bird to foul its own nest.

I know enough of the world never to have found a sheep-dog yet who would not, on occasion, help to make away with a little of the mutton which he guarded. Eh, my venerable sir? turning to Wulf with a knowing bow. Wulf chuckled grimly, and said something to the Amal in German about being civil to guests.

Never mind swords. Those rascals are not worth it, shouted the Amal, as he hurried down the passage brandishing his heavy thong, some ten feet in length, threw the gate open, and the next moment recoiled from a dense crush of people who surged in and surged out again as rapidly as the Goth, with the combined force of his weight and arm, hewed his way straight through them, felling a wretch at every blow, and followed up by his terrible companions.

Hurriedly she fastened the sword upright to the foot of the bed, and tore open her tunic.... 'Here under this widowed bosom, where his head will never lie again! There are footsteps in the passage! Quick, Pelagia! Now And she threw up her arms wildly, in act to fall.... 'It is his step! And he will find me, and never know that it is for him I die! The Amal tried the door. It was fast.

They never came; and the Amal, disgusted and disheartened, found himself entangled in the defiles of the Haemus, starving and worn out; with the One-eyed entrenched on an inaccessible rock, where he dared not attack him. Then followed an extraordinary scene.

'I will go to the world's end with you, my king! sighed Pelagia; 'but Alexandria is certainly pleasanter than this. Old Wulf sprang up fiercely enough. 'Hear me, Amalric the Amal, son of Odin, and heroes all! When my fathers swore to be Odin's men, and gave up the kingdom to the holy Annals, the sons of the Aesir, what was the bond between your fathers and mine?